Chapter One Hundred and Two: Walkabout and Going Home

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Isla of Sussex

October 6th, 2013

I handed Diana over to Harry as I counted our bags.

"Okay we are all set for the walkabout and then getting on the plane," I said as I tied my coat and turned to Harry who was swaying back and forth with Diana who was giggling.

"Do you think when she gets older she will hate us for always bringing her with us during these things?" Harry asked as some of the workers began loading our things to the car.

"No, I think it will make her more confident. She will always be in the spotlight because her great-grandmother is the queen and her grandfather will be the king one day." I said as the three of us walked outside.

Tony and his family were waiting for us and I hugged Margaret as Tony and Harry shook hands.

"It was wonderful to have you three here with us for the past three days. We do hope you come back soon." Margaret said and I smiled.

"Thank you so much for having us. I hope as well we come back soon." I said as I shook hands with her daughters.

"It was so much fun meeting a princess!"  Frances said and I laughed as Diana reached for me and I scooped her into my arms.

"Thank you, girls, for watching Diana for a couple of hours. She had a lot of fun." I said with a smile as Diana waved her hands at everyone.

After Harry said goodbye we climbed into the car waiting for us and I clipped Diana into her car seat and handed her the pacifier that Alice dug out of her bag.

It didn't take long for us to get to the airport and Harry reached for Diana before I could and the three of us climbed out of the car.

I waved to everyone who cheered when they saw us.

"Hello everyone! Thank you so much for being here." I said as I walked towards a group and began shaking hands.

"When it was annouced on the royal family website that you and your husband were doing a walkabout being getting on the plane we were so happy." A woman said as I shook her hand.

"I had to drag my daughter here to take me. I am Eric." An elderly man said and I bent down in front of him.

"Really? Well, thank you so much for coming. It's always a lot of fun meeting the people who support us." I said as he offered me his hand.

"My wife was a huge fan of Princess Diana and then you as well. She died last month." Eric said and I froze before I grabbed his hands in mine.

"May she rest peacefully. If I may ask how did she die?"

"Heart attack, mum wasn't very healthly but she distrusted doctors." His daughter said and I smiled.

"My grandmama was the same. It was why she died. I am so sorry for your lost." I said and Eric smiled as he patted my cheek.

"Thank you, my dear." He said as we broke apart and I began moving down the line.

I received flowers before Harry walked over to me and Diana let out a cry as she reached for me.

"I think someone wants their mummy," Harry said and I laughed as I took Diana in my arms and rocked her softly.

I felt the people take pictures and Harry tensed up as he stood protectively in front of us. Once I got Diana to calm down she waved shyly to the crowd and they went crazy screaming for us.

"Come on, we have to board the plane," Harry said and I waved goodbye to the crowd before fixing Diana and walking towards the stairs.

Harry made me climb the stairs first and when we got to the door the three of us turned around and waved goodbye one last time.

I let out a laugh at everyone who was cheering for us before we climbed inside the plane and sat down.

"Well, that was intense. Now I know how Will and Kate filled during their trip." Harry said as the lights flashed for us to put our seat belts on.

"How long is the flight?" I asked as Alice handed me Diana's bottle and I laid her backward in my arms and gave her the bottle.

"Twenty-three hours. So once we are in the clear we can change into our jammies and relax." Harry said and I smiled.

"I had a lot of fun in Australia. I like doing these family trips. It sucks you have to go Arab and Diana and I are going to be at home." I said and Harry smiled before we felt the plane take off.

"I'll be home the next day. I am only going to a charity event." He explained and I smiled as I looked down at Diana.

"Sometimes it blows my mind we created this little human and she is already so perfect," I whispered and Harry nodded.

"I know. I read those comments about her and it makes my blood boil. People commenting on how she doesn't have a lot of hair yet or the fact we don't release enough photos of her." Harry said and I nodded.

"We are her parents and it'll be our job to protect her and make her strong enough to not care about what those people say," I said and he winked at me.

"I agree and I think we are doing an amazing job."


@DailyMailLondon: The Sussex's have finished their three day trip to Australia and is now heading home

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@DailyMailLondon: The Sussex's have finished their three day trip to Australia and is now heading home. They post this photo taken of them at the Prime Ministers home that was taken on the second day. The next we will see the family is at Prince George's christening

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