Chapter One Hundred and Nine: Christmas 2013

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Isla of Sussex

December 25th, 2013

I held Harry's hand as we stepped out of the car and I waved to everyone who was gathered around to see us.

I grinned softly before wrapping my hand around Harry's arm and we began walking towards the rest of the family.

I smiled when I saw Eugenie and I gave her a big hug.

"And where is my lovely goddaughter?" She asked as I let go of Harry's arm and he hugged his cousins.

"She is with Alice back inside the church right now! We didn't want her with us while we were walking but Her Majesty wanted her here with us." I explained before I felt someone wrap their arm around my waist and I looked to see Zara and Mike.

"Oh! Don't you look ready to pop?" I asked and Zara nodded as she rubbed her stomach.

"One more month and then this lovely baby will come." She said before we all began to line up. When I went to look for Harry he was standing next to Peter and Autumn.

"I'm already wanting this service to be over so I can get back to my girls," Autumn said and I nodded as we began walking and I waved hello to everyone.

"Diana is waiting for us in the church with Alice. I picked out her outfit." Harry said with a smile on his face.

"Did he do it right?" Peter asked making all of us laugh.

"He did! She looks adorable. He matched her outfit very well." I said as we stepped down the little steps and looked forward.

Her Majesty was waiting for us there with Prince Phillip and the Archbishop. Every single one of us bowed to her and she smiled softly before nodding her head.

She turned and began making her way inside the church. I waved goodbye one last time to everyone before stepping inside.

Alice was standing to the side with Diana in her arms and I heard her squeal when she saw Phillip. Phillip chuckled when he saw Diana before taking her from Alice and walking to his seat.

"Did granddad just steal your daughter?" Beatrice asked and I let out a laugh as I nodded.

"Diana loves her great-granddad," I said as I followed Harry and we sat beside Catherine and William.

"When did you guys get here?" William asked as he handed us a program.

"Ten minutes before you did. You both have a place that's closer to here and yet you are still late?" Harry said and I quickly pinched him.

"Enough, both of you," I said as I opened up the program.

"So, I hear you are both going on a tour of Denmark?" Catherine asked and I grinned.

"We are! We officially annouced it today after it was confirmed Queen Margrethe invited us herself!" I said before the music began.

Catherine leaned over and smiled softly at me.

"We are going to talk about this later."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I placed Diana on my hip and fixed her coat as I shook hands with the Archbishop and Diana waved goodbye to him.

I stepped outside of the church and chuckled softly when people yelled when they saw Diana. She smiled at them before hiding in her face in my neck.

I leaned over and kissed her forehead before walking over to this family who was holding flowers.

"Hello everyone! Thank you so much for coming today! Merry Christmas." I said as I shook hands with the parents and waved to the children.

"We were so surprised when we saw this little cutie." The woman said as she looked at Diana.

"Well we were saying if it is too cold we won't bring her out but she is enjoying it. She was. I think someone is ready for a nap." I said as I bounced Diana who rubbed her eye.

"It was very nice meeting you all," I stated as I waved goodbye. I held the flowers in one hand and Diana on the other before I saw Sarah.

"Here, I can't carry both," I explain as I gave her the flowers and fixed Diana. When Diana saw Harry she started bouncing in my arms and I knew everyone was taking photos. Diana leaped into Harry's arms and he laughed as he held her.

"Did she enjoy opening presents this morning?" Charles asked as he stepped towards us.

"Ripping the paper part," Harry stated.

"Oh yes. She did not care for the toys. Only the paper." I said as I waved to a group of children who were holding a sign.

"I hope she likes the things we bought her," Charles said and I nodded.

"She will, we got some things for Buddy and Max and she had fun opening there presents for them," Harry explained as we began walking to the line of cars.

"You two bought your dogs gifts? Did I hear that correctly?" Beatrice said as she pulled me into a hug.

"We do! What's so wrong about that?" I asked with a laugh as I turned to Harry.

"What do you buy your dogs?"

"Toys, treats, a new bed, and some clothes," I explained and Beatrice raised an eyebrow at me.

"I swear if I go over to your house after New Years and Buddy and Max have clothes on I'm taking the clothes off of them." She said before she kissed my cheeks goodbye. I rolled my eyes before turning to Charles who chuckled.

"Congratulations on your two's visit to Denmark in February. Has the planning begun?" He asked and I nodded.

"We will be there for about two weeks and all the places are starting to get picked out," I explained before Harry waved me over for our car.

"I shall see you tonight?" I asked as I hugged Charles and kissed his cheek.

"Of course, dinner is our treat!" He said and I nodded before I waved goodbye one last time and walked towards the car. Harry held the door open for me and when I slid in he handed me Diana and I quickly clipped her into her car seat.

Harry got in on the other side and we all waved goodbye as our driver began the journey to our lodge.


@Dailymail_Uk: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are going on tour! They will be in Denmark for two weeks by the request of Her Majesty Queen Margarethe II of Denmark

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@Dailymail_Uk: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are going on tour! They will be in Denmark for two weeks by the request of Her Majesty Queen Margarethe II of Denmark.

A/N: guys! Only one more chapter and then onto the sequel!

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