Chapter Twenty-Five: Engagement Interview

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Isla Richards

I stood with Harry and smiled as Mishal Husain walked into the white sitting room and we shook his hand.

"It's wonderful to meet you both. They are setting up the cameras. We do have to get you both set up with microphones." Mishal said and I nodded before walking over to the female and shivered at the cold box.

"Okay, we are ready for you two," Mishal called out and Harry grabbed my hand before leading me over to the couch and we sat down.

"In three, two, one."

"Your Royal Highness, Richards, congratulations to you both," Mishal said making me smile.

"Thank you."

"Can we start with the proposal and the actual moment of your engagement? When did it happen? How did it happen?"

"It happened a few weeks ago, Christmas Night, here at the castle with everyone."

"It was a fun night we were joking around and then Prince Phillip asked if Harry was going to give me my present," I said with a small laugh before Harry shook his head.

"No, it was if I was going to give you the present."

"Alright going to. I had turned around and saw him. He got on one knee." I said and Harry smiled.

"Of course."

"Was it an instant yes from you?" He asked and I shook my head with a smile.

"No, I was shocked. I actually said 'Holy shit.' I heard what he said and then I said yes." I corrected and Mishal raised an eyebrow.

"It was nerve recking. She was quiet and I was like is she going to say yes? Is she going to say no and get up and leave? When she said, of course, it was a relief." Harry explained and I smiled as I reached over and grabbed his hand.

"And this is how long after you first met?"

"Oh, it would be a year and almost two months," I said and Harry nodded.

"Which for most people would be quite a whirlwind. Actually, a lot would. Is that how it's felt to you?"Mishal asked and I shook my head.

"No, it wasn't whirlwind. We didn't even get the chance to announce to everyone we were dating and there wasn't a lot of privacy and I didn't mind. I think after We were friends before dating and I knew Harry and I cared for him for a very long time." I said and Mishal smiled before fixing his cards.

"How did you first meet?"

"My brother William and Isla went to school together and when Will was due back for Christmas he brought Isla and we all thought they were dating." Harry began and I rolled my eyes.

"Which we weren't," I added and Harry chuckled.

"She got along with everyone in my family and I had noticed when it came to my grandmother, Her Majesty, and she wasn't afraid to speak about things with her. My grandmother asked if she knew how to horse ride and Isla grinned and said she has trained her entire life. They went out for two hours and when they came back she told Isla she can come anytime." Harry explained and I smiled.

"Was your brother trying to set you up?" He asked and I laughed before shaking my head as Harry pulled me close.

"No, William didn't want me to be alone for Christmas. My parents didn't want me home and I wasn't speaking to my brother at all. He didn't want me alone. William never thought seven years later I would be engaged to his brother."

"How much did you Prince Harry, know about Isla? Had you known about her famous business?"

"I did, a lot of my friends' wife went to Isla for help with their wedding I just didn't know that she would be so big. When I saw her on television as the most successful bridal planner I was shocked. But I am proud of her career and the name she built for herself." Harry said and I smiled before poking his chin.

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