Chapter Forty-Six: Letters from Harry

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August 30th, 2012

Dear Harry, 

It is beyond weird being in Sweden. Though I can pass through a causal conversation everywhere I go I am stared at. Tomorrow I go with Madeline and Carl to the ports. I had just finished the party and I couldn't wait to rip the crown off my head. It's weird not having you here. Weird not waking up with you beside me. 

I know you have apologized a thousand times but these hormones have got to me and I can't help but be angry at you. You got drunk and left me alone in our hotel room. Now you have left me alone pregnant. 

I'm sorry. I love you, 


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August 31st,2012


I am so sorry. So sorry for everything. Sorry for everything I have and continue to put you through. Your hormones are getting out of wack and the angry you had then is now coming now. I laugh a little because when I read your letter my captain was with me and said when pregnant women get angry at their husband or boyfriend during their pregnancy the child ends up looking like them. 

I love you more than anyone could ever know. I saw you tonight at the dinner and you looked breathtaking. I wish I was there. If I was I would let you scream and curse at me. I love you and I will be home soon. 

Forgive me, 


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September 1st,2012

Dear Isla,
I know today is your relaxing day for Sweden and you will be on your laptop watching Spongebob. I saw you earlier this morning with Carl and Madeline at the Ports. I was so proud of how you acted when they named the biggest ship after you and you cracked the bottle. How are you and the baby? I cannot wait for more pictures of your belly growing. I love you so much. I will be home soon.

Your favorite husband Harry

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September 1st,2012

Dear Harry,

Technically you are my only husband. I was shocked to hear a ship named after me. But I guess this is something I must get used to now that I am a royal. I am on my relaxing day. Her Majesty Queen Silvia sent her doctor to me so we could check up on the little nugget. I believe that is what I am going to call it from now until I give birth and we find out what we are having. 

Sucks that we can't know but I am not complaining. The baby is perfectly healthy. Growing like a beanstalk. I don't know what else to say. I miss you a lot, Harry. I cannot wait until February when you come home and we can have a Simpson marathon like always. I am inserting a picture of the sonogram. 

We love you lots, 

Isla and your Unborn Child

Isla and your Unborn Child

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