Chapter Sixty-Five: Shopping

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Isla of Sussex

I wrapped my coat over me before getting out of the car with Mary. I waved to the paps who knew where we would be at. 

"Does it get trying?" Mary asked and I nodded. 

"It annoys me because I'm pregnant," I said before we walked into the store where Madeline and Victoria were waiting. 

"Finally! I thought the paps were going to eat you alive." Victoria said as she kissed both my cheeks before I turned and hugged Madeline. 

"They are rather annoying," I said as I made my way towards the dresses. 

"Christmas is coming up and I have no idea what to wear," I said and Victoria chuckled. 

"What did you wear last year?" Mary asked. 

"Grey and baby blue." 

"So wear white. Full on white." Madeline said and I smiled. 

"My first Christmas as the Duchess of Sussex," I said as I saw the white hat and picked it up. 

"Is it any different from when you would go and you weren't a royal?" Mary asked and I nodded. 

"I wasn't allowed to be seen. I would stay at the house until they came back from service. I would open presents with them put that was really it." I said as I took the box hat and dress coat. 

"Now all I have to do is find a dress," I said and I turned to see the girls looking towards the window. 

"Our dad has just sent security. He just called." Madeline said as she walked back to me. 

"He said Isla's pregnant. We can't have people harassing her." Victoria said and I rolled my eyes. 

"It's nice having someone to talk to besides Catherine," I said as I placed my box and bag on the counter. 

"Isla honey, I am always here to lead a hand," Mary said and I smiled. 

"I know you guys will. I appearance all of it." I said and Madeline smiled before pulling me into a hug. 

"Alright let us not be sappy anymore. Isla do you know when your due?" Victoria asked and I smiled. 

"Late March. But like my doctor said the baby will come when the baby wants to." I said and Mary let out a laugh as she dragged three coat dresses over her shoulder. 

"Isabella was supposed to be born the April 19th, she came two days later." She said and I smiled before I turned to one of the cashiers. 

"I'm just gonna grab these two things," I said and he nodded before ringing it up. I handed him the cash and smiled when he handed me my bag. 

"Let's go to the store next door," Madeline said and I grabbed her arm before we raced out of the store. 

"I feel like a teenager again sneaking out the house," I said with a laugh and Madeline smiled. 

"I always got caught if I tried to leave the castle?" Madeline said and I smiled. 

"By your mum or dad?" 

"The guards. They laughed at me before calling for my parents." She said and I shook my head before I opened the door to the Alexander McQueen store and smiled. 

"Do you shop here?" Madeline asked as she went to the coats. 

"Not really. Catherine is always at this store." I said before I sat down and smiled when I saw my phone light up with Harry's name.

"Harry?" I answered and I heard him laugh. 

"Are you still in Sweden?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"Yea why? Did something happen?" I asked as I stood up and Harry let out a laugh. 

"I thought you weren't going to Sweden for another week." 

"Harry, what's going on?" 

"I'm home Isla. In our house with Bud jumping everywhere." He said and I froze. 

"Your grandmother said you weren't coming home until after Christmas!" I yelled and he laughed.

"No, I'm home. Give me a day and I can be in Sweden. Also, I'm bringing Bud" He said and I smiled. 

"I've missed you, Harry." 

"I've missed you too." He said before I ended the call and looked up to see Madeline smiling. 

"I told you Her Majesty would be kind and let Harry come home early." She said and I smiled as I hugged her. 

"He'll be here tomorrow. He's bringing Bud." I added and she shook her head. 


Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

I smiled when I opened the door and saw my brother and Kate. I was pulled into a tight hug by Will. 

"I've missed you, little brother." He said and I smiled before kissing both of Kate's cheeks. 

"I thought Isla was going to be home, but to my surprise Granny sent her to Sweden again," I said and Will rolled his eyes before both he and Kate sat down. 

"Isla has formed a great relationship with the Sweden royals." Will began and I nodded. 

"I know I'm friends with them too." I said and Kate smiled. 

"Your Grandmother just thinks it a good idea for her to be with them for a week. Princess Madeline and she are like sisters now." Kate said and I smiled. 

"Isla loves you a lot, Kate. She just knows Granny won't let you be the godmother to our kid." I said and Kate smiled.

"When do you leave?" 

"Tomorrow, I told Isla to give me a day before I fly over there. I can finally meet her so-called replacement husband." I said with a roll of my eyes. 

"Jealous are we?" 

"I am gone for three months and he makes a move on my wife!" 

"Carl has a girlfriend. Sofia, Isla told us she is meeting her soon." Kate said with a soft smile.

"Still until Carl and Sofia are married I can still be worried," I said and Will rolled his eyes before he stood up. 

"Yes, we all know. For a while, the paps even though Isla and I had a secret affair." He said and I let out a laugh. 

"You're not Isla's type." 

"That's rude. How can I not be her type?" 

"She likes gingers." 

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