Chapter Three: A Fitting and Lunch

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Isla Richards

I smirked as I watched Kate get out the car with her knees pressed together. 

"I told you to wear jeans or pants. Why are you wearing a dress?" I asked as I held the door open for her to walk into the private restaurant. 

"The Queen sent me a woman to train me in royalty elegance. I have to get used to wearing dresses. You even make jeans look stylish." She groaned as we waited for someone to sit us. 

"If you would like I will join you for some of your lessons

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"If you would like I will join you for some of your lessons. But you have asked the queen first." I stated before a waitress walked over and led us to our table before handing us a menu and asking us what to drink. 

"Water with a splash of lemon please," Kate said. 

"Lemonade darling." 

The waitress quickly walked away and I felt Kate staring at me for a couple of moments before smirking. 

"Alright, what is it? Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned and I raised an eyebrow as I watched her smirk. 

"I know." Was all she said and I froze as the waitress walked over to hand us our drinks. 

"We need a moment to decide," Kate said before turning back to me. 

"Who told you?" 

"Harry, he called me to talk. Wanted my opinion he thought I knew." 

"I couldn't tell you. I couldn't tell anyone. He just said it was one night why does he care now?" I hissed as I took a sip of my drink. 

"Because he likes you don't you see! Of course not you are so involved with this wedding you won't give him the time of day." She said making me stare at her. 

"His grandmother wouldn't allow us to date," I whispered before the waitress came back again and I smiled. 

"The chicken alfredo," I ordered as Kate ordered a salad. 

"She loves you! She says it all the time. Why don't you just ask her later when we get back?" Kate questioned making me raise an eyebrow at her. 

"You just want me to get married after you so we could get pregnant together." I said making her grin. 

"Of course I do! Plus you like him. I can tell." 

"Much like you did with William?" I asked earning her to glare at me before she sighed. 

"I'm getting married. And soon after you will too." She said with a smile before our food was brought over to us and we began eating. 

"Why are you playing matchmaker all of a sudden?" I questioned as we were halfway through our meal. 

"Because you helped me realize how much I love William. Now it is my turn." She explained earning me to roll my eyes before I pulled out my phone. 

"We have twenty minutes before we need to cross the street for our measurements," I stated before we both went back to eating. I paid for our meal before leading Kate out the restaurant before rolling my eyes when I saw the pap. 

"Kate! Who is this?" 

"Are you a royal member?" 

"Are you the planner?" 

"Isla," Kate whispered and I grabbed onto her arm before leading her across the street where the dress maker's assistant was waiting for us. Once we were inside they led Kate to the back and I quickly called Will. 

"Is something wrong?" Was all he asked when he answered. 

"We need some bodyguards. They found us and are surrounding my car and this shop." I hissed as I followed the assistant. 

"My father is sending people now. When you two are finished a car will be waiting in the back. Get in the car and it will take you here." Will explained and I frowned. 

"What about my car? And my townhouse? How will I get home?" I questioned and I heard him laughing. 

"You can spend the night here. I'll see you soon Isla." Will said before ending the call and I turned to the dressmaker. 

"Sorry about that. I'm Isla Richards." I said as I shook her hand and she smiled at me.

"Sarah Burton. So today we are just for measurements and looking?" She questioned and I nodded as I saw Kate sitting down with a cup of tea. 

"Yes, we are. Can we just get a moment? Kate needs to calm down." I asked making her nod before she walked to her chair. I made my way over to Kate and bending down in front of her. 

"You're alright. William has sent over bodyguards and a car." I explained and she smiled. 

"I'm fine. Just needed a moment. Am I going first?" She asked and I nodded before helping her up and leading her to Sarah who began measurements. I saw the assistant talking to one of William's bodyguards and I waved him over to me. 

"How many did William send?" 

"Five ma'am." 

"Good send one of your friends to my house and pack me a week's worth of clothes," I said as I handed him my keys. 

"Yes, ma'am." The man said as he took my keys and walked out of the shop. I turned and saw Kate laughing as she was handed some fabric. 

"We will get you a book of samples to take with you," Sarah said before she wrote the last measurement and smiled. 

"All done Ms. Middleton. Ms. Richards, it is your turn." Sarah called out. Kate took my bag out of my hand and I stood on the stool. I shivered as she measured my hips, shoulders and around my breast before writing everything down. 

"Alright. You two will come back in two weeks. I am going to start with the underpart of the dress. Please pick a dress fabric and design by then." Sarah said making me nod as I grabbed my bag from Kate before the guard came back and led us to the car in the back. After we both climbed in we began laughing. 

"I don't think I will ever get used to them following me," Kate said earning me to chuckle. 

"Well, now they know my name and will be following me," I said as the driver took off towards the palace. Once we got there William, Harry, and Prince Charles were waiting for us. 

"Oh, girls!" Prince Charles said as he brought us both into a hug. 

"Charles we are alright," I said as he pulled away from us and checked our faces. 

"Are you sure? Someone was recording the entire thing and I saw someone throw something." He said making Kate and I smile. 

"We must've dodged it. Honestly, we are fine." Kate said and he nodded before patting us on the cheek. 

"Alright. I have to go tell Camilla. She's been worried sick since we all saw it." He said making us both smile as he turned and walked away. As we turned towards the guys they brought us both into a hug. 

"Harry! My hair!" I whined making him sigh as he rested his head on top of mine. 

"You had me worried sick. I didn't know what happened. All that you went into the store." He said before we pulled apart and he stared at me. 

"So me being mobbed made you finally make a decision?" I asked and all he did was glare at me before grabbing my face in between both his hands before kissing me. 

"Took him long enough." I heard will said making me glare at him once we pulled apart. 

"Date me. Be my girlfriend." Harry said making me laugh softly. 

"Only if we get this approved. I don't want your grandmother to have my head." I said making them all laugh. 

"Of course." 

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