Chapter Twenty-Six: Talks

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Isla Richards

I stood on the balcony of the palace with Prince Phillip as he wanted to speak to me. 

"I don't understand why you wanted to speak with me?" I asked as I turned around and faced him. 

"I truly adore you, Ducky. Much like I adored Diana, may God rest her soul, I just want to warn you of a couple of things." He began and I smiled before sitting down and the table beside him. 

"A lot of things come with marrying into the royal family. I learned that the hard way, as well as Diana, did. You will forever be photographed and whatever you made sure it is a statement as what you are wearing now." He began and I smiled. 

"I understand Phillip. She had trouble fitting in and with Charles and Camilla. If I remember from an interview she said, 'You can't have a marriage with three people in it.'" I said and he laughed before nodding. 

"I had thought I raised my son better than that. But you are right. I said this to Diana but I feel I must say it to you as well. If you are ever feeling scared or much like Diana felt text my assitant Ducky drowns and I will come to you." He said as he reached over and patted my hand. 

"I promise if I ever feel like that I will call," I promised with a soft smile. I watched as he stared at me for a moment before looking down to my ring. 

"I was there with Charles when he picked this ring. I told him to get blue but he loved how Diana looked in red. But then she said she enjoyed blue more." He said with a laugh. 

"Because it brings out her eyes." I tried to defend my late mother in law. 

"Very true. I wish you and Harry nothing but happiness." He said before we both heard the clicks of the camera. Before I could say anything Prince Phillip stood up and began waving to them. I laughed softly before quickly following him. 

As I stood beside him the paps began yelling my name. I smiled and waved towards them. When Prince Phillip turned around I nodded to the paps before following him inside the castle. 

"I shall see you soon Ducky." He said as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"Of course you will." I said with a smile before I bowed to him. As I was led out of his office I stopped when I saw Princess Anne. 

"Isla honey

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"Isla honey. Wait right there." Anne said and I stopped in my spot before she walked over to me and hugged me. 

"How are you?" She asked making me smile. 

"I'm doing well. Just finished picking out the children who are going to be in the wedding." I said as we began walking. 

"I know your nephew will be in it. Who else?" 

"Camilla's granddaughter, my assitant Sarah has a niece that's four who is going to be in the wedding. Louise and James are going to be in it. They called me and practically begged." I explained and she laughed. 

"I know now why my fathers adore you. You really do remind him of mother." She said and I stared at her for a moment before smiling. 

"Well, I adore him as well," I said and we stopped at a little bench and sat down. 

"I know I wasn't close to Diana but she truly loved my brother and the boys. I know my father spoke to you but I must warn you. Marrying a royal isn't all crowns and parties. It's royal duties, making sure you say the correct things." She began and I stared at her for a moment. 

"I love Harry if that is what you want to know. I can't imagine my life without him. Or without William as basically my brother." I said and she laughed before shaking her head. 

"No darling that isn't what I want to talk about. I wanted to talk about marriage. It could be difficult. I was married once before and I let stupid thing cloud my judgment. I don't want you or my nephew to go through what I did. Okay?" She asked and I smiled before nodding. 

"Yes," I said and she nodded before patting my leg. 

"Good. I must go meet with my brothers. I shall see you later." Princess Anne said and I nodded before quickly getting up and rushing to the apartment. Harry was in there and raised an eyebrow at me. 

"What's wrong?" He asked as he jogged over to me. 

"Your family keeps giving me talks about if I ever feel lost to go to them and then to watch so what happened to your parents won't happen again." I said and Harry quickly pulled me into his arms and held me. 

"What my father did I will never do to you." He said and I let out a sigh before nodding. 

"I love you Isla." 

"I love you as well Harry." 

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