The First Night/Morning

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Zane eventually had to bid his friend a good night. He did have to work in the morning! They hugged before Zane left the bar. Chance & Austin as well as Tim & Adam were out on the dance floor. Rob welcomed his manager back with a smile. Around midnight they decided to head back to their temporary home. Luke waved goodbye to Grace who smiled and waved back. Adam was pretty toasted, as was Chance. Tim had a good bit of alcohol in him but wasn't nearly as drunk as his lover. Austin was pretty tipsy and was giggling at everything.

Rob and Luke didn't drink much and when they did it wasn't a lot. A few beers or mixed drinks or shots and that was it. Luke drove while Rob helped keep an eye on the couples in the back. Getting back into the house was rather humorous as Adam was already trying to strip Tim. The older man just laughed as he pulled the blond along to the house. Chance was being dragged along and wound up falling on the grass laughing. Austin tripped over his lover and fell partially on top of Chance.

"Alright guys. Let's get in the house. Then you can ravage one another senseless!" Rob stated

Apparently, Rob's statement was quite funny because Austin and Chance both burst out in another fit of giggles. Adam was more concerned with getting Tim naked. They stumbled around a bit as they walked into the house. Luke did his best to help them up the stairs and to their room. Tim shut their bedroom door with his foot as Adam crashed his lips to his.

"Chance, you're not helping!" Rob exasperatedly stated making said man laugh even harder, "Austin, will you help me by standing up!"

"Yes, daddy!" Austin retorted with a laugh

"Hey! I'm the only one you get to call daddy!" Chance replied with a serious expression

"Well, how do you think tonight went?" Grace asked Jimmy

"She did really well. Of course, this wasn't one of our busiest nights." Jimmy replied

"Think she'll make it all summer working here?" Grace asked

"Yeah. Yeah I do. The customers seemed to take to her pretty well." He chuckled as Amarelle came out of the bathroom

"Hey! How'd you like your first day working here?" Grace asked her niece

"It was... interesting." Ama chuckled

"Well, it's about time to go home. I'm sure Zane is already asleep and Maverick might be up still." Grace stated

"Ya! Zane makes the best omelets!" Ama excitedly exclaimed

Grace grabbed her purse and bid her employees a good night. Her manager, Chris, was the one who usually shut the bar down at night. Ama hadn't even counted her tips yet. The ride back to the house was spent in talking about the relationships Grace was in. It made the older woman smile hearing all the questions her niece had. Amarelle had been reading, when she had time, the book her aunt had loaned her.

They pulled up into the drive and saw that someone was up still. Upon entering the house, they were greeted with Maverick sitting on the couch watching end of a movie. He stood up to greet his girlfriend and her niece. They'd been together for years but this was the first official meeting between Maverick and Amarelle. He hugged her after Grace made the 'official' introductions. She was tired after the day of traveling and then working so she bid the pair good night.

Grace chuckled as her niece walked up the stairs. Maverick kissed her cheek. Amarelle shut her bedroom door before plopping down on her bed. She wasn't sure how she would do working at the bar but was glad to be here with her aunt. The book she was reading made a lot of sense to her. Why she liked being in a relationship with more than one person at a time. Why she always felt attracted to more than one person. Why 'monogamist' relationships never seemed to be fulfilling to her.

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