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Grace decided that she should take her niece out sight-seeing. Kane suggested the Vizcaya Museum & Gardens with its stunning architecture, grounds and artwork. It featured 34 rooms arranged around a breath-taking courtyard. The Renaissance-style villa is filled with the most exquisite European furniture and arts reaching from the 15th to the 19th century. There were over 1,100 craftsmen bought over from Europe for true authenticity in design, to complete this 28-acre estate.

Amarelle thought it sounded like a really neat place to visit. Grace smiled and said then they'd start there. Ama was excited to get to spend some time with her favorite aunt. After breakfast, she went to get a quick shower and then dressed. Maverick and Kane wished the two ladies a wonderful day out since they both had to get to work early. Ama wanted to get some pictures so she had her phone out and ready when they arrived.

The pair walked around taking everything in. Ama took a few selfies making Grace laugh. 'It's nice to see her so relaxed' Grace thought to herself. She didn't know why her sister didn't support her daughter like she did her other children. Just because someone's different doesn't mean they don't deserve the same love and support. Grace had felt ostracized in the family as well, so she fully understood her niece. She looked at the younger woman with a smile.

Ama never had a problem with showing her uniqueness. From the way she dressed to her hair and make-up. She also wore her heart on her sleeve. Honestly, Grace and Amarelle were quite alike. Much more alike, in fact, that they were closer to mother-and-daughter and aunt-and-niece. As they walked around taking in the beauty of the Museum and Gardens, Grace began to think about asking her to move in with them. Naturally, she'd have to talk to her lovers before making that offer!

"Oooh! Let's hit the beach!" Austin happily said as they all cleaned up from breakfast

"Hmm. Anyone else have a suggestion?" Luke asked

"We do have a pool. We could just relax around the pool today and bbq." Tim suggested

"But....MIAMI!" Austin retorted

"Dude, we'll be here for like 2 ½ months! We have plenty of time to sight-see and check out local hotspots." Chance stated with a chuckle

"I want to go back to that place we were at last night." Adam stated, "Tonight, I mean."

"I second that!" Tim was quick to add

"We can do that tonight. I loved that place." Luke stated with a smile, "So about today?"

"Well this is Miami. They have a heck of a history. I'd love to check it out." Rob stated

"How about this. Rob and I will go check out the city's history. Austin and anyone else who wants to go to the beach can go. Tim and Adam can stay here and lounge in the pool. Sound like a plan?" Luke said

"Well, I guess we can go to the beach." Adam stated, "It's been a really long time since I've been."

"I'll be going out in the city. Y'all have fun!" Rob stated

"Why don't we all meet back up here at about 6pm. Get cleaned up and then head to the bar. They do serve food so we can grab dinner while we're there." Luke stated

"Sounds like a plan, boss man!" Chance rhymed making the entire group laugh

The two happy couples got ready to head to the beach while Luke and Rob sat on the couch looking for good places to check out. They found one that seemed kind of neat. The Gold Coast Railroad Museum which was created in the 1950's by the Miami Railroad Historical Society. It houses 30 historic locomotives in pristine condition. Famous carriages include the one that once carried Roosevelt, Truman and Reagan. Also at the museum is an impressive and detailed model railway that is worth admiring. There are also some wooden toy train sets for children who will inevitably be inspired to play with trains after looking around the museum.

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