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It was hard for Tim to show people the affects of what his ex was doing to him. He hated having to see a therapist and a doctor but if this is what was needed to help him win the court case then so be it. Jenika was making even more outrageous claims against him as time inched towards their impending court date. Her words kept floating in his head: "Fatty", "Ugly", "Sponsored by Hostess", "Loser".

Amarelle had agreed to help keep Tim up at night, only letting him get a few hours' sleep a night so that people could see the affects the business with Jenika was having on him and so that they weren't lying, really, about him having insomnia. 'It looked better for the courts' according to the lawyers. She had noticed how little had had started eating. She tried to get a little sleep whenever she could while the guys were working.

He was getting colds more frequently, having more headaches, his sex drive tanked (which bothered both Ama and Adam), and had started complaining of heartburn. Amarelle was getting very worried about her Moonlight. Fatigue was hitting him hard due to the insomnia. She felt bad that she was the cause of that but knew they were doing this for his court case. Luke had reassured her that all the physical symptoms he was suffering from were normal for someone under long-term stress. 'Yeah that's helpful to his over-all well-being.' she huffed angrily, 'We're going to wind up killing Tim just for a damned court case which is probably what the little harpy wants anyways.'

"When is poor Tim's court date?" Rob asked as they were preparing for a meet-and-greet and the bass was splashing cold water on his face in a bathroom

"Not soon enough. His performances are starting to suffer from the lack of sleep." Chance eyes darting towards the door to the bathroom, "His whole life has been turned upside down."

"Yeah. You can see how stressed Adam is too. He's worrying himself sick about Tim. Ama is worrying herself sick about both of them as well as being a little sleep deprived herself." Austin nodded in agreement.

"Hey guys. We need to have another band meeting and Facebook Live chat after the show. I'll have pizza waiting so we can get on the road and down to business after the show." Luke exclaimed as he came up to the trio, "Where's Adam and Tim?"

"Tim's in the bathroom and Adam is over there with Ama." Chance nodded towards the couple.

"Tim seems to be using the bathroom a lot lately. Have y'all noticed that?" Austin inquired as he looked around at the group.

"It's probably just the stress of everything." Luke shrugged.

'I hope it is just stress with Tim. I hate lying to people but we need to get this business with Jenika over with and he needs to look like a wreck. I hate that he has physical issues or has to look like he has physical issues.' Luke sighed as he looked over at the couple a little ways from everyone else. It looked like Adam and Amarelle were making out to anyone looking them. He had her pinned against a wall, her right arm was around his neck, and there was barely any air between them. The fingers on her left hand and his right were laced together as they spoke quietly. The group watched the pair having their intimate moment.

"Are you sure you can keep this up, keeping Timmy up so late. You look almost as sleep deprived as he does. This isn't good for either of you!" Adam searched her face.

"I'll do what I have to. You can't afford to do this, ok? Having one of you looking like a complete wreck is enough. I'm sorry I haven't been making many meals lately." She looked away from him.

"Baby don't be apologizing. Jenika's stunts are hurting everyone. Trust me, the guys aren't upset with you. They all know your focus is on Tim and helping him, ok?" Adam brushed some hair behind her ear with his left hand.

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