Family outing

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Adam laid his daughter down on the guest bed before taking her shoes off and covering her up. They'd have to get her some clothes for while she was here, but he didn't mind it. Tim and Ama had headed straight to their bedroom to strip down and crawl into bed. She was still half-asleep and he was exhausted from the long drive. Adam shut the door, stripped down, then crawled into bed with a very contented sigh.

Ama woke up the next morning before anyone else. She knew there was a little one in the house and that she would probably be getting hungry soon. Amarelle untangled herself from her lovers and slid off the bed. She'd shower later. For now, she just slipped into a pair of black lounge pants and purple tank and then quietly left the bedroom.

The house was quiet as she cautiously made her way downstairs. With a sigh, she started a pot of coffee then got out the ingredients to make pancakes and bacon. She was using Dena's recipe, which came from her mother, and it seemed to be a favorite. As she was mixing the batter, she felt something tugging on her pant leg. Looking down, she found a very sleepy looking Cerise.

"Good morning, sweetie! How are you?" Ama asked


"Would you like some orange juice or milk?" Ama smiled as she kneeled in front of the small child.

"Milk." Cerise rubbed her eyes.

"Ok, let me put you up on this stool before getting you a glass of milk. You can be my special helper today while we make pancakes." Ama told the girl making her smile.

Ama moved a stool to the counter and set Cerise on it, being careful that she wouldn't fall while she was pouring a glass of milk. Once the pancake batter was mixed perfectly, it was time to pour the batter onto the skillet. Ama had moved the stool next to the stove so Cerise could "help" still. She let the small girl flip the pancakes which made her giggle. Adam was the last to wake up and he found himself alone in bed. The shower was running and he could hear Tim singing some tune.

The smell of coffee hit his nose and he smiled. The blond slipped into his pj bottoms and headed downstairs. Right before he entered the kitchen, he stopped because the sight before him made his breath catch. There was his wife letting his daughter help her with making breakfast. Cerise was sitting on a stool by the stove flipping the pancakes when Ama told her to. Ama even let Cerise move the cooked pancakes from the skillet to the platter, although Ama was very careful to make sure nothing happened.

They were talking about Disney movies and laughing. 'She might have been freaking herself out at being a step-mom but she sure as hell fell into the role of mother with surprising ease.' he smiled as he watched his two favorite ladies. Once the pancakes were done, they were starting on bacon. Amarelle explained that cooking bacon could pop and that it hurt when it did. However, if Cerise wanted to hand her pieces of uncooked bacon for her to put in the skillet, it would be a big help.

Tim came bounding down the stairs and stopped when he saw Adam stopped. He slowly walked up behind his husband, sliding his arms around the blonde's waist, and rested his chin on his shoulder. 'She's a natural.' Adam whispered. Tim looked on and smiled. The brunette kissed Adam's cheek before walking into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

"Morning sweetie! Breakfast is almost done thanks to my amazing little helper." Amarelle smiled down at Cerise.

"You did? I bet these pancakes are gonna be extra tasty then!" Tim poked the girl's nose.

"Where's Adam? Is he up yet?" Ama asked, flipping pieces of bacon

"Uh, I think he was just getting up." Tim stated, pouring two cups of coffee.

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