Step-mothers and Princesses

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Luke said they had some interviews to do but he hadn't scheduled Tim for any. The bass man sighed with relief since he wasn't up for talking to anyone after talking with the lawyer. Adam slid his arm around Tim's waist while walking on his right and Ama slid her arm around his waist, on top of Adam's, as she was walking on his left back to the bus. 'They want me to let the fans see what a wreck I am at what Jenika's doing.' he thought as they boarded the bus. It bothered him but at the same time he trusted his manager.

Tim headed straight to his bunk after detangling himself from his spouses. Ama just smiled sadly up at Adam before grabbing her laptop and sitting at the kitchen table. There was work she needed to get done. Eventually everyone left to get to interviews and the like. The crew were setting up for that night's show. They would have to keep Tim up or not let him get nearly enough sleep. That was going to be rough. Adam didn't need to be sleep-deprived, so she took it upon herself for the task. It was going to be a rough few weeks!

'The next question after all this business with Jenika is: how do we deal with Ericha?' she tapped her bottom lip with her index finger. Didn't Adam threaten to file for custody of their little girl? Her brows furrowed as she thought about how they would make that work should he be awarded sole custody. Not wanting anyone to hear the conversation, she sent a long email to Luke about the situation, asking him to not say anything to Adam about it, and asked if he had any ideas on that sort of thing.

As she was working, she received a notification of a new email from Luke Pierce. She smiled before tabbing over to her email. He had written a rather lengthy response with what a family law attorney friend of his had said. He suggested that if Adam ever wanted to file for sole guardianship, he should have everything the judge would ask about ready. A home, where she'd be staying while he was on the road and who would be looking after her, about her schooling, et. As Ama read through the email, she just nodded. It was simple really.

She could come on the road with them during the summer and school breaks (if they weren't on the road during those times), she would stay at their house in Tennessee with them when they were off the road. 'Hmm. The next question is about her schooling and where she'd stay then. She'll be starting school soon.' Ama bit her lower lip. Surely his parents wouldn't want to move down to Tennessee when their life was in Minnesota. It wasn't fair to the child to have her flip-flopping. 'I guess we could stay up there if we have breaks when she's in school.' Ama shrugged with a frown.

She shot off another email with her ideas, asked for suggestions, and if he thought Tim and Adam would go for it or if Adam would even consider going for full custody of his little girl. Satisfied with her email, she tried getting back to work. Then it hit her for the first time. She was a step-mom! This little girl, even though she wasn't biologically hers, was her child because she belonged to Adam. Tim was a step-father! Had it really hit him?

"What's got your jaw on the floor?" Tim's deep voice broke her thoughts.

"We're step-parents, Tim. You're a step-father, I'm a step-mother." She blurted out, eyes wide, before turning towards him.

He chuckled but remained quiet.

"Has it never hit you? Adam fathered a child. That makes us step-parents." She exclaimed

"Of course it has silly. I've met her, remember. We have family get-togethers and her and Ericha came with Adam when they were together. We are all called 'Uncle' by her." Tim chuckled again, "What started this?"

"I...she's met all of y'all. What if she doesn't like me? Has he even told her that you and he are together? How are we going to explain our relationship?" She fired questions at him as he sat there just watching her, "Will she ever accept me into y'all's family? What if I do something that psychologically messes her up?! What if I do something wrong? Hell, what has Ericha been filling the poor kid's head with about you and me?!"

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