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The bus was silent since Amarelle was the only one on it. She knew she had to get some work done today, especially if she wanted to keep clients! Hearing a buzzing sound made her slide out of her bunk. Two phones on Tim's bunk were both showing new text messages. She didn't care what they were going to think, she sat down and took the closest phone to her. It happened to be Tim's phone. There was a string of new texts all from Jenika.

Jenika: Hey fatty, had to buy any new pants again?

Jenika: Can you see your d*ck since your belly is so big?

Jenika: How far along are you exactly?

Jenika: Do they have a screen in front of you, so you remember the words because you're too stupid to remember them on your own?

Jenika: Do you have sponsors by Hostess yet?

Amarelle growled as she read through more of the texts Jenika was sending to him. It infuriated her to no end! Tim was one of the sweetest guys she'd ever met. He had a heart of gold and a smile that could make even the worst days feel like sunshine. And he was a very smart man as well. The conversation she'd had with Tim that night came flooding back. 'Why do you love me?' he asked with a voice that was so insecure and almost broken. She threw his phone down unable to read anymore from her.

Taking a few deep breaths, she decided to check out Adam's phone. There were a whole lot more texts from Ericha than what Tim had. Her suspicions had been right. 'No wonder he hasn't been playing games on his phone lately.' she frowned.

Ericha: demented pervert!

Ericha: I don't want you kissing my little girl knowing you've had  someone's d*ck in your mouth.

Ericha: You're a disgusting piece of sh*t

Ericha: It won't be long before Tim realizes what a loser you are and leaves your stupid ass

Ericha: how many diseases have you had since only sickos get std's?

Ericha: you're nothing more than a toy to either of those losers you're with, they don't really love you

Ericha: Do you kiss your mother with the mouth you suck d*ck with?

It was so hard for Amarelle to read through all the texts Adam had received. Movement caught her eye and she looked up. The beatboxer was standing there just looking at her.

"I'm sorry for intruding on y'all's privacy. I heard noises and saw both your phones blinking." She set his phone down before standing up, "Why didn't you tell us you had received more texts from her?"

"It's so much worse for Tim than me. Ericha isn't trying to drag my name through the mud. I didn't want to add more stress on top of everything else." He shrugged

"Adam, you know you can come to me anytime. I don't know what she thinks is going to happen by doing all this. You are none of the things she says, ok? Tim and I both love you so much." She pulled him in for a tight hug

"I know." She heard him sigh, "You two are really what keeps me holding on."

"We need to figure out what to do about her too. This harassment has got to stop." Amarelle stated earning a squeeze from her blond lover.

"We having a hugging fest back here?" Rob chuckled as he wrapped his arms around them both which made Ama laugh this time

"Apparently so!" She retorted.

"We need to do something fun. Get everyone's minds off what's going on." Rob suggested as the trio pulled away from one another.

"I'm not sure Tim is going to want to go out." Adam shrugged

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