Mrs. Foust

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Amarelle woke up the next morning alone in bed. The smell of coffee and bacon wafted to her nose. She smiled as she climbed out of the king-sized bed. There were still beads of water on the shower door so one, if not both, had already showered this morning. She needed a quick shower herself not wanting to possibly go before a judge smelling of sweat and sex. It didn't take long to shower, especially with her stomach making noises, and as she bathed, she thought of what she wanted to wear that day. It had to be professional looking.

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She did a two-tone brown smokey eye and left her hair down. Amarelle smiled at her reflection before heading downstairs for breakfast. They wanted her to be their wife. Their wife! To share their surname. Just the thought made her insides flutter! Adam was on the phone, sitting at the kitchen table, while Tim was finishing up breakfast. The tall brunette turned around and found Amarelle standing there looking at him. He let his eyes wander up and down her body as his lips turned upwards.

"Baby you look amazing! So...professional!" He gushed, moving to pull her into his arms

"Thank you, my sweet bass man. It smells wonderful in here." She hugged him back.

"Thanks. Scrambled eggs and bacon should make for a decent breakfast. Then we'll get up to the courthouse." Tim told her before kissing her forehead

"Good news!" Adam said as he stood up, "Oh damn Ama. You look fabulous!"

"What's the news?" Tim inquired as he took the skillet with the eggs and the platter with the bacon to the table

"If she can get the petition in by 9am, she'll be on the docket for this afternoon!" Adam explained as he moved to hug their girlfriend

"That's awesome!" She hugged the blond tightly before pulling away to sit down for breakfast.

"We may not be able to get in to DMV today but we'll try. If not, we'll get up extra early tomorrow morning and go down." Tim said as he filled his plate

The trio slipped into silence as they quickly ate their breakfast. Her thoughts were consumed by the ideations of being their wife, even if it weren't legally recognized. To have their name meant the world to her. Tim said they'd clean up from breakfast later, time was of the essence if they wanted to get in to see the judge today. She felt like her body was beginning to shake as she grabbed her purse and phone and followed the two men out the door.

Tim drove straight to the courthouse where she would have to do the paperwork for a legal name change. As they walked through the courthouse to the right office, her heart began to race and she felt like she was sweating. The older woman behind the counter smiled as the trio walked up.

"Good morning! How may I help you?" She sweetly asked

"Hello! I'm wanting to change my name. I'm not sure what papers I need to fill out to petition the judge." Amarelle tried to explain

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