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Her mind was racing as she tried to think of what all she'd need to take with her. Laptop. Camera. Client paperwork. Cell phone. Clothes. Make-up. Shoes. Herself! Slamming the door shut, she walked over to her purse and yanked her wallet out of it. Out with the old social security card and ID, in with the new, updated ones. Seeing her driver's license with "Amarelle Foust" just made her insides do backflips.

She quickly cut up her old ID so that no one would be able to snag it or put it back together. She burned her old social security card out on the back patio. There was an extra spring to her step. She felt giddy as a puppy with something new to chew on. Amarelle tried her best to run up the stairs. There was so much packing she needed to do. What clothes to take, what shoes to take, a little jewelry, her make-up train. She had to have her laptop and camera bags.

Eventually she had to sit down on the side of the bed. Her heart was racing, her body was shaking, she thought she was sweating. Why was she this excited just to get back on the road with them? She laid back on the bed and closed her eyes. She could feel Adam's soft lips as if he were kissing her right then and there. There slight scruff of Tim's chin on her neck as he nuzzled his face. The gentle caresses. The soft kisses. She sighed as she sat up. That was it. She was missing the physical closeness.

Shaking her head, she stood up. There were things she needed to get done and sitting there thinking about things was not going to get it done any faster. Two hours later, she had her bags all packed except for her laptop bag. She'd packed and repacked until she was confident she had everything she'd need while out on the road for an indeterminate amount of time. Her stomach making ungodly noises finally made her look to see what time it was. Frowning, she realized it was way past dinner time.

'Where'd the time go?' she furrowed her brows as she popped in a personal frozen pizza into the oven to bake. Getting a flight was the next thing on her agenda. Although she wanted to surprise them with her coming out, Tim did make her promise to let them know. As the oven dinged, her phone rang. Looking at it, she found it was Tim wanting to Face-Time. She answered the call then asked for a minute or two before setting her phone down.

She rushed around in the kitchen getting her dinner out of the oven and onto a plate. After pouring herself a glass of tea, she took the plate and glass into the living room where her laptop and phone were at.

"Sorry sweetie. Right as you called, the oven dinged that my dinner was done." She tried to explain.

"Honey, why are you eating so late? It's nearly 11pm!" Tim frowned, shaking his finger at her.

"I was busy and lost track of time. Where's Adam? Y'all usually call me together." She asked, not wanting to hurt Tim's feelings.

"He's putting our stuff on his bunk. He'll be here in a few minutes. How was your day?" Tim explained

"Chaotic." She chuckled, not wanting to tell him anything without Adam present.

"Hey there gorgeous! Sorry I'm late to the party!" Adam popped up next to Tim.

"Ok, now that you're both there I'll tell you really why I'm eating so late. I lost track of time because I was packing my bags." She stated

"Packing? Why? What happened?" Tim exclaimed at the same time Adam cried out "'re not leaving are you?"

"Adam, baby, you're stuck with me for life! I'm not leaving you, ok? I love you both so much it hurts. Nothing's happened....except my new ID and ss card came in today!" Amarelle told them.

She could physically see them both relax and they breathed a figurative sigh of relief.

"We can't wait to see you! When are you flying out?" Tim questioned

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