Biker friends

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Amarelle was about five months pregnant when she had to fly into Dallas for a job. She wasn't happy about flying while pregnant knowing that she did tire easily these days and it was only going to get worse the further along she got. Ama flew in the day before so she could rest up before the big meeting she had with the new clients. Dena had flown in the day before she flew out to look after Cerise since she was back in school.

Her mother-in-law promised everything would be fine while she was away. Not that Amarelle ever thought otherwise. Ama tried to not leave Nashville for work if she didn't have to. If it was possible to teleconference clients, new and old, that's the route she took now that she was looking after a small child and was pregnant. Sometimes, however, that just wasn't feasible. Her business was getting more and more recognition, more clients, and she was beginning to need more staff.

Although her family was from the DFW area, she honestly didn't believe she run into anyone from her family. After taking a nap, she decided she wanted to go find something to eat. Her belly wasn't huge, but you could tell she was pregnant. At least to Amarelle. She tried to eat as healthy as possible and indulge in cravings as they happened. That day, pizza was sounding delectable, so she climbed into her rental to find a good sit-down pizza place.

Having her belly filled, she headed back to the hotel. There was an indoor pool which she happily took advantage of. She was very relaxed and happy as she showered after her long swim. Before she could head to bed, after Face-Timing with Dena & Cerise, she needed to look over papers for the meeting she had the following morning with the new clients. She wanted everything fresh in her mind for the meeting.

Her clients were an "unusual group", as they said, so she decided this would probably be an unusual meeting. Amarelle was never one to look like a stuffy executive so after her quick shower, she got dressed and did her make-up.

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Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled appreciatively. Her bump was barely visible, if you could really tell at all from the way her clothes fit her, and she looked great. She took her rolling cart and headed downstairs to get a quick breakfast. As she strolled along, people kept giving her odd stares which she was more than used to by now. She was different and that was ok. Breakfast went quickly and before long, she was on her way to the meeting she'd come to town for.

She checked in with the receptionist then found a seat. The other people waiting all seemed to be giving her odd stares which made her chuckle. She was early, as she tended to be, especially meeting new clients, so she sat there quietly observing the office staff and other patrons. One particular gentleman kept eyeing her up. Finally she was called back.

"Mrs. Foust? They're ready for you now." She was told.

Amarelle confidently stood up, grabbed the handle to her rolling case, and strutted off to where she was pointed to do. She could feel eyes on her but wasn't going to look back. There was a huge conference room with several people already sitting around the table. She was greeted cordially as everyone introduced themselves. They all looked like bikers with the beards, numerous tattoos, and piercings. She, of course, loved it.

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