Happily spoken for

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The bar cheered as she waved and left the stage. Tears were slipping down her cheeks as she sat down. Rob hugged her from the side.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I just love them so much." She replied, looking at the two rings she never took off

"They love you too. I hope you know that." Rob replied with a smile

"I hope so." She said, still staring at her rings, "They each gave me a ring. A promise ring from each. The last night y'all were in Miami."

"Sounds romantic and sweet." Rob smiled

"I love these rings. Each time I look at them, I think of Tim & Adam. It reminds of how I feel with them, how I feel about them, and of how I, hope, they feel about me." She confessed, not realizing the whole table were listening in now

"You sound sad." Rob commented

"I'm not. I've never felt so loved in all my life. If they love me half as much as they love each other, I'll die a happy woman." She replied

"We all see how they look at you. I don't think you have anything to worry about!" Rob chuckled, giving her a side-hug again

"Heeeeeeey, who wants to share some nachooooooooooos?" Austin asked the table

"Me! Me!" Chance said, raising his hand in the air

"I'd be down for that." Amarelle giggled

Austin waved their waitress over, so he could order their food. Chance finally got around to asking her to play a game of pool. He was telling her all about his home and what he'd done before joining Home Free while they played. She was circling the table trying to find a shot as she listened to Chance's story. He had her laughing pretty hard by the time she found a shot she thought she could make. She bent over the table as she prepared to take it.

Suddenly she felt someone push themselves up on her and wrap an arm around middle. She knew it was neither Tim nor Adam and Chance was across the table, jaw hanging open. She tried to wiggle out from under whoever had effectively pinned her to the table.

"Come on baby, I bet you're dying for some real company!" A rough, gravelly sounding voice exclaimed as a hand smacked her butt

"Get off me you creep!" She yelled as Chance ran around the table to pull the guy off her

"Stay out of this, you butt pirate!" The guy exclaimed, "Sweetcheeks, you sure look lonely. Why don't you come back to my table."

"First of all, don't call my friend names like that again. It's an antiquated term, something only Neanderthals would use. Not to mention it shows how ignorant you are. Secondly, I am FAR from lonely. This ring and this ring..." She stated, holding up both hands to show off her rings, "...means I'm am happily spoken for. So leave me, and my friends, the hell alone. Understand."

"What the hell'd you call me, little girl?" He growled angrily

"Leave her alone. She's already stated she isn't interested in you." Chance said

"I called you a Neanderthal. You know, an archaic human that's now extinct. Get a dictionary." She sassed

"F*cking b*tch!" He yelled, back-handing Amarelle across the face

Her nose started bleeding and her bottom lip split. Chance shoved the guy hard who fell onto a table. Before things could go any further, the rest of their group came rushing over and pulled Ama and Chance away.

"Hey! What the hell's going on here?" A tall, muscular fellow came sprinting over

"He attacked my friend. Was trying to grope her and when she declined his advances, he hit her." Chance angrily said

"Evan, you've been warned about this sh*t" The bigger guy, clearly a bouncer, said

"Look at that b*tch! She's asking for it!" Evan stated as the bouncer began pulling him away

Amarelle cringed as she delicately touched her swollen lip.

"Let's see if we can get a rag with some ice. That'll help the swelling go down and you can wipe your face. I'd avoid Tim & Adam until at least tomorrow evening!" Chance exclaimed as they walked back to their table

"Hello. I'm Joe, the bar owner. I just wanted to apologize for Evan. I think the kid goes out looking for trouble. Your tab is on me tonight." An older gentleman said as he walked up

"Thank you so much, Joe." Amarelle smiled

"Can we get a clean rag with some ice for poor Ama?" Rob asked

"Absolutely! I'll send it right over. Again, I am so sorry for what happened. I hope you get to feeling better." Joe said before leaving them alone

"Well, that was a nice turn of events." Rob chuckled

A few minutes later, the waitress returned with a fresh drink for everyone, a shot of Tequila for the whole table, and a clean rag with a glass of ice. Rob thanked her before she walked away. Ama poured the ice into the rag and pressed it to her nose and mouth. She winced in pain, but the Tequila helped ease it up some.

Chance and Austin went up the karaoke stage to sing a duet. It made Amarelle laugh at how cheesy they were. She was filming the over-the-top antics as she tried hard to not laugh too hard since it hurt her lip. Nate and Allen decided it was a good time to do a duet as well. "I've Got You, Babe" by Sonny and Cher was their tune making everyone laugh. Rob was filming it since Austin pulled Amarelle up. Chance took her phone, so he could film his husband and their friend dancing like drunken idiots while their other friends sang.

Not wanting to let jerk-face spoil her evening, Amarelle picked "Dance, Dance" by Fall Out Boy to sing. Chance and Austin decided to be her back-up dancers. Rob couldn't quit laughing as he filmed the crazy trio on stage. The crowd ate it up, and were all laughing pretty hard too, at the performance.

"It's nice to see she's not letting that creep spoil her good time." Nate said

"Yeah. She's a pretty resilient young lady." Rob chuckled

"How do you think Tim & Adam are going to react to her busted lip?" Allen quietly asked

"I don't want to think about it." Nate said making Rob laugh

All-in-all, it had been a good night. One ignorant jerk didn't spoil the evening. It was past midnight when they finally headed back to the hotel. Nate and Austin were singing, rather loudly, whatever songs came to their mind and Amarelle was dancing around as they walked along the pavement. Chance and Rob couldn't help but laugh at the trio. As they walked past Adam & Tim's room, the sounds of passion could faintly be heard. Amarelle smiled as she slowed her pace.

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