Freaking out

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A few months later, Amarelle was contacted by a woman who wanted a wedding photographer. Ama was going to turn her down but the woman expressed her desire for Ama to be her wedding photographer since she had done so well with the two couples in Home Free, and several of the other weddings she had done. The client had also said they were getting married in Florence, Tuscany, Italy and that they'd pay for her travel expenses. She debated but finally decided on taking the client.

The woman on the other end of the phone was ecstatic at Amarelle photographing her wedding. She scribbled down all the information, including flight information, and what the client wanted her to wear at the wedding, before hanging up. Ama sighed knowing she only had a few days before she had to fly out. She wasn't looking forward to telling her husbands, but this was work and she was starting to get a pretty good reputation as a photographer.

"Where ya off to this time?" Tim laughed when she started re-packing her bags after a very short shopping trip.

"Florence, Italy. I'm doing the photography for a couple's wedding. Apparently, they'd seen some of the work I've done for y'all and when they decided to have a destination wedding in Tuscany, I was their first choice for a photographer." She chuckled

"Glad we could help. I think." Tim grinned, eyes drinking her in.

"Hopefully I won't be gone long. They're paying my travel expenses too which is a nice bonus. Don't worry. I'll be sure to text when I've gotten to the hotel, when I'm leaving for the wedding, when I'm leaving the wedding, when I've gotten back to the hotel, and when I'm about to board the plane." She tried hard not to laugh as she spoke.

Tim rolled his eyes, trying to keep from sniggering, "We're not that bad. Do you blame us for loving you so much we want to know where you're at? Especially in a foreign country!"

"No, sweetie, I can't. Y'all should know by now that I do worry about y'all when I'm not with you on the road." She retorted as he moved to slip his arms around her waist, "I'm gonna miss y'all when I'm gone."

"We're definitely gonna miss you too. But, you're starting to really get a name for yourself which is good. You're amazing at what you do, Ama. I don't know if we've ever really said that or not. I've seen some of the websites you've designed. You're very talented." Tim whispered in her ear

"Where's all this emotional stuff coming from?" She asked, "But thanks. It means a lot coming from you."

"I should let you finish packing." She heard him sigh.

"Hey Tim! We've got an interview in about ten minutes. I believe we're doing it in Rob's room." Austin said as he walked into the room.

"Thanks. I'll be there in a minute." Tim retorted.

Once the Georgian had left, Tim pulled Ama into a kiss. It was soft at first. Just a loving kiss. As they stood there, the kiss deepened into something a little more passionate.

"You've got an interview to get to and I have to finish packing." She looked up into his eyes.

He ran his hands through his hair before pecking her lips once last time. She had her flight info written down and had already said her goodbye to Adam. Amarelle called a taxi to take her to the airport, so she walked downstairs to await it. Her nerves were acting up as she stood there. Wedding photography was not her sole interest and she was beginning to fear that's what she was going to be tagged as. Not that she minded doing it but at the same time she didn't want to get pigeon-holed either.

She was flying coach, which didn't bother her, and was happy to discover that she'd have the row of seats to herself. No one crowding her. No one coughing on her. No one leaning on her as they dozed off. She could sit there comfortably. She could sit there during the long flight and think about her life. The last few months had been wonderful. They were learning that spending time apart was also good. Their life together was more than she had ever expected. She felt confident, now at least, in her relationship with Tim & Adam.

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