Aloha, Hawai'i!

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The following day was their second to last in the beautiful islands of Hawaii. The previous evening, each couple went out to have a romantic night out while some of the crew entertained and watched over the kids. Olena let the two little girls stay with her so they could have a "girls night in". The make-up artist/stylist said they'd be painting their toe nails, finger nails, have facials, have pedicures, watch movies, and have a wonderful dinner.

Ama made everyone laugh when she said that she almost wished she were staying for all the girly fun too. Tim stuck his bottom lip out making her giggle. After walking back to where her husbands stood, she bid everyone a good night then linked arms with the pair. This was all for the adults since they were in such a romantic location, so nearly everyone was drinking after deciding to take a cab back to the hotel from whatever activities they were doing that night.

At breakfast the following day, the two girls were going on and on about the wonderful night they'd had with Olena making everyone laugh at their enthusiasm. Rob was asking what people wanted to check out on their last day in Hawaii. Tim said whatever people wanted to do was fine with him. Rob looked over at Ama who was smiling. The pair began to plan their day as they ate breakfast. Cerise was over-excited since Daddy and Poppa would be going out with them today.

Ama convinced Rob that their first stop should be the peaceful Liliuokalani Gardens. She looked around the table before leaning closer to the bearded man. 'We can pack a picnic lunch for everyone and eat on the grounds. Play some frisbee and just be one big family for a little while. There's lots to see but we can also relax a little too.' she told him. After thinking on it for a moment or two, he decided that would be a wonderful idea. He texted Luke to let him know what they wanted to do and asked for his help with the lunch-packing.

After breakfast, Austin asked where they were headed off to right as Luke strolled up smiling. He simply said to follow him making a few of the guys look at one another. Rob and Ama were just whistling innocently. Amarelle had already grabbed her camera bag figuring they'd be heading out to whatever activities right after breakfast. Cerise was hugging Adam tightly as he climbed into the van followed by Tim. Austin still wanted to know where they were going but no one said anything.

The short drive, short-ish with the chatter, ended quicker than most realized.

"The Liliuokalani Gardens was named after Hawaii's last reigning monarch, Queen Liliuokalani. This is a 24-acre Japanese garden which was dedicated in 1917 as a tribute to Hawaii's first Japanese immigrants who worked in the island of Hawaii's sugar cane fields." Rob read the plaque as they entered.

"This place is so serene!" Kelsey smiled as the slowly walked along.

Rob held his wife's hand as they walked along the trails taking everything in. Adam held Cerise's left hand and Ama's right hand. She was holding Tim's right hand as the foursome walked along as a family. Chance couldn't stop himself from taking out his phone and snapping a picture of them. Austin looked at his husband funny.

"She doesn't get enough pictures with her in them. She's always photographing us." Chance cupped his lover's cheek in his left hand, "She has some amazing photos of this trip but not enough of her."

"Ok, honey buns." Austin smiled.

"Don't call me that outside the bedroom. I'm surprised Tim has forgotten about it already." Chance's face tinted red slightly making Austin laugh.

As the group walked along, they discovered the beautifully landscaped park featured arching bridges over fishponds, rock gardens, pagodas, Japanese stone lanterns and even a teahouse! Amarelle was capturing it all, as best as she could, and even of her companions. The rock gardens seemed to fascinate Cerise while Lydia was more interested in the fishponds. There were actual fish swimming in them too!

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