The morning after

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Amarelle began to wake up. She felt weird. Unusually warm. Unusually naked. There was a very warm body cuddled up to her front. There was a very warm body cuddled up to her back. Legs were intertwined. Hot breath on her neck. Her head was tucked protectively under someone's chin. Then she felt the hardened member pressing into her lower back. The previous evening came flooding to her mind like a tsunami. She smiled.

"Tim had finished reading his poetry. Adam was nuzzling his face in her neck. The tall brunette moved to lay in front of her, glorious naked body all on display for her to take in. Lips and hands were everywhere. Just kissing, touching, caressing. It made her heart flutter."

"Mmmm." She heard from behind her making her smile

Adam rolled onto his back, pulling Ama with him. She scooted around so she could lay her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. Tim immediately felt the warmth that was there being replaced with cold air. He moaned unhappily before scooting over to snuggle up to the warm body next to him. Amarelle was looking up at Adam's face when his eyes finally fluttered open. He looked down at her and smiled.

"Now this, I could definitely get used to." He whispered making her blush and smile

"Me too." She giggled

"Me three." They heard Tim's uber low, not-quite-awake, morning voice exclaim as he snuggled even closer

They remained quiet, almost going back to sleep. It had been quite a long night, after all.

"Someone's making breakfast." Tim quietly stated

"I could use something to eat." Adam replied, gently stroking Amarelle's face

"Hmm?" She sleepily replied making the blond smile down at her lovingly

Tim was already slipping out of bed. He needed to get some clean boxers for him and Adam and find her something to wear. There was one of Adam's blue checkered button up shirts hanging in the closet. Tim picked it up with a smile. How amazing would she look in one of their button ups? Before leaving the closet, he slipped into his boxers.

"Here. Get dressed." Tim said tossing the clothes on the bed

"Can't you go get us breakfast and bring it up here?" Adam whined

"If I gotta get dressed and go downstairs, so do y'all." Tim chuckled, eyes twinkling

Ama had rolled over onto her back. Tim drank in her naked form once more. She was a very beautiful woman. Ama sat up and looked around for her underwear. Picking it up off the floor, she began to wonder if she should even slip them back on but she had no other clean undergarments with her. Adam watched her as he bit his lower lip. This woman was going to be the death of him and Tim! As she was slipping into the button up, he was slipping into his boxers and then his Superman pj bottoms. She rolled up the sleeves of the shirt and made sure almost all the buttons were done.

"Your bedhead is really adorable." Tim chuckled making her giggle

The trio walked downstairs in silence. Luke and Rob looked up and were quite surprised to see Amarelle walking into the kitchen with Tim and Adam. They were also a bit surprised to see her wearing one of Adam's button ups. Cleary the trio had been intimate, going by the love marks on all three of them! Adam, more of the morning person, greeted Rob & Luke cordially.

"Good morning, Amarelle. It's nice to see you again." Luke said

"Uh, good morning. And it's nice to see you lads too." She blushed as she found a seat at the kitchen table

"Pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon alright?" Adam asked her

"Sounds marvelous." She replied as Tim was pouring himself a cup of coffee

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