First Anniversary

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A/N: That's the official trailer for the show Tim took Adam to go see.

Also, I'm going to be going back and forth some between different people but I'll have it marked so you'll be able to tell. I hope you like this.

Luke was picking Amarelle up from the airport. It had been quite a busy trip, fruitful but busy. The long flight to where she was finally meeting back up with the tour and she couldn't be more thankful. There were some things she needed from the rest of the band and crew and she didn't want to ask them in front of Adam or Tim. It would have to wait for a little while longer. The boys were doing an interview so once Luke dropped her off at the hotel, she just passed out on the bed.

Jet lag sucks! She slept all through dinner, through the show, even when everyone returned to the hotel. Seeing their passed-out wife sleeping in the middle of the bed made both men chuckle. Tim began taking her shoes off as Adam began trying to get her shirt off. It took a little longer than was necessary because neither man wanted to wake her up. They each took a shower and prepared for bed. Both were beginning to get a little anxious for their upcoming anniversary.

Showered, food in their bellies, under the covers, and snuggled up together, they tried to go to sleep. Tim was still thinking about their run-in with Ericha and the things she'd said. They weren't just hurtful. Calling Adam a girl because he grew his hair out? That was just petty and sad. What really infuriated Tim was how she was trying to use Cerise against him. Make him feel bad about loving another man. And such venom when she was talking about Adam cheating on her with him.

Tim was worried that was going to start bothering his sweet Angel Face. He was raised to not lay a hand on a woman. How to deal with Ericha was the real issue here since he was too much of a gentleman to back-hand her once as hard as he could. Adam buried his face in Amarelle's hair. He had missed her. They had missed her. His thoughts were all over the map. Should they tell her about their run-in with his ex? He knew, logically, the things Ericha had said were just to push his buttons.

That didn't mean they still didn't sting. Accusing him of cheating was a low blow. She knew he would never do that! Oh, did he have enough of the vanilla spray for their anniversary night out? He'd have to check and add it to the shopping list he had going if he didn't. There was a need for a few extra towels as well. Adam inhaled the scent of Ama's shampoo and conditioner. Vanilla, Lavender, and Honey? It smelled good. It was an almost comforting scent.

Ericha left him. Why was she so upset that he had married again? Why was she so angry he'd hooked up with Tim? Was she jealous? Was she angry because of what she thought had been going on? Oh yeah, they would definitely need another box of condoms. Most likely they'd run out before their anniversary. Amarelle moved to lay on her left side facing Adam. Tim scooted closer to her and draped an arm around her waist. 'What would we even tell her about running into Ericha at the fair?' he thought as she casually draped her arm over his tummy.


Tim had gotten Olena's help in picking out clothes for both himself and Adam for their anniversary night date. She was glad to help the clearly nervous bass. It took half the afternoon, on their last day off before their anniversary (which he was very thankful they had off as well), but she finally found outfits she thought they'd both look great in. He trusted her judgement, so he paid and they headed back to the hotel.

Adam was a ball of nerves. Tim had told him he needed to be ready at 6:30pm precisely. He knew that dinner was part of the evening, but he didn't know what else Tim might have had planned. While Tim and Olena went out shopping, he took the time to do his own bit of last-minute shopping too. Amarelle was busy with work but offered any assistance the blond needed. She had her own things going for the couple that she needed to finish up.

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