Very long talks

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A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so long. I didn't want to break it up. It goes back and forth between Ama  and then over to Tim & Adam. I've broken that up with tags to make it easier to understand the changes. I hope that made sense! Enjoy! 

Instead of waiting for the elevator, and giving them time to catch up to her, she ran down the stairs. Rob, Nate, Chance & Austin heard Adam yelling out Ama's name from Nate's room. They walked into the hallway to see Adam running down the hall to the elevator. They could all tell that Tim was angry. He was stomping down the hall, fists balled at his sides, nostrils flaring.

"What the hell happened?" Rob asked as they watched Adam punching the elevator button repeatedly and slapping the elevator doors like that was going to make them open any faster.

"Well, there was one fan during the signing line the other night. I've seen her twice in the last week. I don't think Ama really liked the boys' reaction to her." Nate shrugged his shoulders

"We're always friendly with fans. Why would one woman bother her so much?" Austin's brows furrowed together

"I'm gonna go downstairs. Stay here, babe. I've got my phone if I need y'all, I'll text." Chance leaned over and kissing his husband's cheek

Amarelle didn't quite know where to go. Fighting with Tim and Adam emotionally tired her out. She didn't want to see either but didn't want to walk blocks from the hotel. There was a bar at the hotel, so she opted for there for the time being. Adam's thoughts were racing. He bit his lip as he walked briskly, his gaze flitting around the lobby to try and find his girlfriend. Adam's mouth felt dry. 'What if we can't find her and something happens?' he thought, eyes watering.

Chance saw Adam standing in the middle of the lobby looking around. He stopped and watched Tim stroll over, still scowling, grab Adam by his arm and lead him back to the elevators. Chance didn't think she'd gone far. He looked around and noticed the hotel bar. 'Good a place as any to try first' he thought as he wandered towards the door. The baritone-bass walked up to the bar and ordered himself a beer. Having the cold bottle in his hands, he looked around the bar.

There she was. Sitting at the very end, almost in the dark like she didn't want to be seen, nursing what was most likely a Jack-and-Coke. He slowly walked over to her, being careful to be quiet, until he was standing next to her.

"This seat taken?" His deep voice making her jump.

"I, uh...."

"None of us know what's going on but we do know there's some sort of rift between the three of you. I'm not one to go digging in other's business. I won't press for information on what happened. Adam got into a fist fight, which is completely out of character for him, over you. They both care deeply for you. So do the rest of us. If you ever need an ear or a shoulder to cry on, we're all here ok?" He gave her shoulder a light squeeze


"Calm down, Adam. You're about to start hyperventilating. And we still need to get you cleaned up from that fight earlier." Rob squeezed his shoulder

"What the hell's been going on? Why did Adam, of all people, get into a bar fight?" Luke looked around, gaze lingering on Tim & Adam.

"She's, uh, been cold and distant lately but, uh, neither of us knows why." Tim's shoulders slumped forward as he pulled at his right ear.

"When did this behavior start?" Luke tilted his head to the side.

"The first night we were back in the US. We came back from the bar and when I went to touch her, she jerked away from me." Adam sniffled

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