Violent Streak?

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Rob and Luke immediately went to find Amarelle. She was nearly done being examined, according to Chance. Luke said they had packed all her equipment up and it was in their rental before he left to go check on the condition of their beatboxer. Rob said he'd go with Luke for the time being to see about Adam as well.

"Ama is in good spirits. The doctors don't seem to think anything is wrong. Just standard tests and such." Chance explained.

"We'll let him know." Rob smiled at his band mate.

She was getting irritated. She felt fine, the nurse kept telling her the baby's heart rate was normal, the ultra sound had come back fine. She wasn't sure why they were doing more tests. All she wanted to do right now was go check on Adam! After what felt like forever to her, she was finally released with a bill of excellent health. She thanked the doctor and nurse before heading out into the ER waiting room. She told Chance all that she knew before he told her what Luke had told him.

They went to go find out what news they could find on the beatboxer. She was beginning to get a bit scared at the prospect of not knowing what had truly happened. Was he more injured than he had let on to keep her from worrying? That never helps because she was still worrying! They asked the check in nurse at the ER about Adam and were shocked to discover he'd been taken into surgery. Amarelle immediately began to cry but Chance did his best to stay optimistic as he listened to the direction the nurse gave on how to get to the waiting area.

"Surgery? He's in surgery Chance! That can't be good!" She exclaimed as the elevator doors closed.

"Calm down. We don't know what's going on. It could be a minor thing that they needed a sterile environment for. Stay positive, sweetie. Things are going to be fine." Chance told her.

As much as he wanted to believe it, he was a bit worried himself. He didn't think Adam's wound was bad enough to warrant surgery either but what did he know? It took the pair a few minutes but they finally found where Austin and Rob were sitting waiting on word about Adam.

"Luke left to check on Tim. As far as I know, we haven't heard anything on him yet." Rob immediately looked to Ama.

"Adam was taken into surgery to cauterize a nicked vein that they couldn't get to stop bleeding. He'll need lots of stitches but the doctors think that's about it. I believe they only numbed his arm." Austin was quick to add.

Ama sat down, placed her hands on her belly, and looked down. Their life was unusual and she knew it would be when they started dating. Every couple had their ups and downs and that was normal. Were the things they were dealing with normal, though? The troubles with her family? The issues with each of their exes? 'Will we be able to survive all this when everything is said and done? I mean...Tim was arrested! His reputation as well as the reputation of the band is on the line here! Their livelihoods are at stake!'

"Everything is going to be fine, Ama. Have a little faith, ok?" Rob calmly stated.

"Adam's in surgery. Tim's in jail. Who knows what my so-called relatives are plotting next! How are things going to be fine, ROBERT?!" Amarelle shouted angrily.

"Sweetie, you guys have made it through so much already. The crazy exes of both Tim and Adam. Jealousy. Communication issues. You guys always come out stronger for it. I have no doubts you'll come out stronger for all of this too." Rob sweetly replied, giving her warm smile.

She sighed as she bent forward, resting her elbows on her knees. Chance began gently rubbing her back in an attempt an comforting her. Calling them by full or even first names was unusual for her and it showed how stressed she was over all this. He hated seeing her in such a state, he hated knowing his friend and band mate was having to have a vein cauterized and needed stitches, and he certainly hated knowing a friend and band mate was sitting in jail.

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