One Year Later

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*We're gonna do a time skip here.*

My how a year passes. Tim & Adam Face-Timed every single day with Amarelle. They talked about their day, expressed their love & how much they missed one another, discussed various things. She didn't want Adam to cut his hair, so he decided to keep it long just for her. They sent texts several times a day, more if Tim & Adam were out sight-seeing. The whole band had flown back to Miami to see her graduate college. Zane, Maverick, and Grace threw a party for her making her giggle and blush.

Home Free were doing better than ever. Tim & Adam were still searching for "that perfect house". Amarelle had already started working "in her field" as a freelancer even before she graduated. She'd do photoshoots with local up-and-coming bands for a reduced price. She made show posters for those bands. There were a few who had contacted her about creating websites for them. Small, local businesses also got in contact with her about doing websites for them. Her income was small but she was satisfied with her work.

A band from Nashville wanted her to do a website for them which shocked her. She wasn't sure how they knew about her but she wasn't one to say no. That night, she told her lovers about having to fly into Nashville for a few days to work with this band which made both men get very excited. They, too, would be in Nashville for a few days. One day they were performing but they'd have a few days free afterwards. They made plans for their time in Nashville together. She'd never been so Tim wanted to show her around.

Grace chuckled at her niece and her excitability. She understood it, of course, but it amused her nonetheless. Amarelle had to pack two suitcases. One had her camera equipment, including some green screens, while her other was clothes and toiletries. She also had to pack up her laptop since she did use it for work. The young woman was rushing around trying to make sure she had everything packed up and ready for her flight. She would be there a day before Home Free but Tim had sent her a key to his house along with the address, so she wouldn't have to get a hotel. He also told her where the extra keys were to his truck so she could get around until they arrived.

Once she'd landed in Nashville, sending a text to her aunt and to Tim to let them know she'd arrived safely, she hailed a cab. As they drove to Tim's house, she tried her best to look around and see what she could see of Nashville. They pulled up in front of a modest looking home and she smiled before paying the cabbie. She took her luggage after digging the house key she kept on a chain in her pocket out. It seemed like it was a decent neighborhood.

The house, although neatly kept, definitely belonged to two men. She giggled as she set her bags in the living room. Amarelle explored the house before taking her bags to the guest room. Although Tim would most likely have her sleep in his bed, she decided that for now she'd stay in the guest room. This was his house, not hers, and she didn't want to make assumptions. She did, however, like seeing all the photos on the walls. Some of him and his family, some of the band, some of him with different celebrities he's met over the years.

With a deep breath, she took the suitcase that had all her camera stuff in it, her purse, and went to find the keys to Tim's truck. Having the keys in her hand, she left the house and then locked it up. His truck was in the garage. When she saw it, she gasped. It was a beautiful truck.

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