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A/N: I hope you enjoy it and thanks for the idea!

Grace and Amarelle had flown to Texas first thing Monday morning. Tim and Adam had both been texting her and sending photos which she loved. Some funny, some cute, some a bit racy. It amazed her at how they could turn one another on and never even touch physically. She'd had sex before. She knew there were things she wanted to try and explore. Even though she wasn't very old, she knew the feelings she was having for the two men in her life were strange.

The plane ride to Texas was spent with her talking with Grace about how she was feeling. Such intense and rapid feelings. Grace just smiled at her niece. They spent two days in Dallas. The first day was when they arrived and then that afternoon at the University. Amarelle got all the paperwork done that was needed. It was faxed over to the University of Florida while she was still in the Dean's office. She sighed with relief when they sent a confirmation page back. All that was needed was the official paperwork in Florida and then she'd be starting her last year of college in the fall.

The next day was different. Their first stop of the day, after breakfast, was her dorm. Grace had rented a nice, big black SUV. They were driving back to Florida knowing that Ama was bringing, or attempting to, some of her stuff back with them. There wasn't too much in her dorm that she wanted to keep. Grace frowned as she watched her niece pack up what little she wanted to take with her. Ama was worried she wouldn't be able to get what little she wanted from her parent's house.

Grace pulled up in front of the house and shut the car off. She hadn't seen her sister in years. This would probably be the last time, too. Ama swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as she opened the car door. Grace was following suit silently. Amarelle tried to open the door but found it locked. She had a key to the house and tried to open the door but the locks had already been changed. As she was frowning at why the locks had been changed, the door suddenly opened up.

"What the hell do you want?" Tamarine demanded angrily

"We're here to pick up her stuff." Grace stated flatly

"Well, you're too late. It's already been thrown out." Tamarine grinned evilly

"You threw out my stuff? My posters? Books? Clothes? Everything?" Ama exclaimed

"Every last thing." Tamarine stated, looking down on her daughter

"Why?" Grace asked

"The little freak didn't live here anymore. What's the point of keeping her trash?" Tamarine exclaimed

"Surely you knew she'd be coming for her stuff." Grace said, trying to keep calm and level-headed

"Maybe. But we didn't to waste time keeping that trash around when we could clean out the room and rent it out. You know, do something useful with it." Tamarine grinned

"Is that a jab at me, Tam?" Grace asked

"And if it is, what of it?" Tamarine retorted, "Get this filthy piece of trash off my lawn. I don't which one of you is worth less. Or more of a whore."

"You're a bitch." Grace stated angrily, "Let's go, Ama."

"Did I upset you, Gracie?" Tamarine shouted after her sister and daughter

Grace tugged on her niece's arm and drug her out to their rental. As soon as Ama had shut the door, Grace took off. As hard as she tried, Ama couldn't stop the tears from flowing. It broke Grace's heart to see her niece in such a state. Remembering why she was crying made Grace's blood boil. Her own sister did this just to.... To what? Throw a tantrum? To intentionally hurt her own daughter? They pulled into the hotel they were staying at where Grace turned the car off. Ama absent-mindedly followed Grace to their room still crying.

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