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A/N: All the bits in italics are flashbacks. Enjoy 😉

Amarelle had hoped this would be the end of their troubles with her "family". That they would be able to put this all behind them, focus on their growing family, their careers, and whatever else may lie ahead for them. Tim could see how much more relaxed their wife was and finally realized just how stressed she had truly been this whole time. 'She is the most amazing woman I've ever met!' he mused as they sat around chatting and laughing.

While the band finally went back out on the road, she got to work on polishing up their promotional photos for the fall tour. She even let them take a small video camera with them so they could shoot their own promotional videos for their Christmas tour. She would polish up the videos, of course, and maybe release some of the sillier footage of the guys being crazy for the fans to eat up. That was one thing she really loved about them. The guys always seemed to have a good time no matter what they were doing!

Her biggest fear was that Tim and Adam would miss the birth of their child. She had read books and even taken a Lamaze class all by herself. Despite being as prepared as she possibly could be, she still felt scared and slightly unprepared. She really wanted them both there and hoped they would both be able to get the time off to be. She knew Adam had been able to find a fill-in for him when Cerise was born. 'Would that be possible for both him and Tim this time, though?' she pondered as she walked through the grocery store one afternoon.

She hit the road with them as much as she could, but since she was running her Multi-Media company and looking after Cerise, that just wasn't workable really anymore. Tim and Adam always supported her. No matter the decisions, they always sat down and talked about them together. As a family. What one person wanted, or did, affected everyone. That made her smile.

She had to find a new building for her business and she talked it over with Tim and Adam about the expansion first. Whether she should even do it, where would be the best place to find a bigger building, who to hire to help with any renovations she needed or wanted. Tim wanted a little summer or vacation home near his mom's. It was close-ish to the beach down in Texas. After a long discussion, they decided that when the time was right they would go and find themselves a summer home so they could visit Tim's family and have a nice vacation spot.

Since the band were doing a short tour over in South America, she decided to get the baby's suite finished up while the boys were gone. They had painted the walls already. One wall was painted like a rainforest. Another wall was painted like the plains in Africa. Another wall was painted to look like a mountain range with snow on the top. The fourth wall looked like a vast desert. The ceiling was painted like the night sky. It took nearly the whole weekend to accomplish but she was so grateful for everyone's help.

She smiled at the handiwork. Tim had asked the rest of the band and some of the crew if they'd come out for the weekend to help paint the room and then to just hang out. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, Tim grilled for everyone for helping. Amarelle made everything else to go with whatever he was grilling. Everyone was happy to help, or so they said, and she made sure there was plenty of beer on tap for the hard workers!

This was something they didn't have to do but they had given up their weekend to come paint the room. It wasn't like they were painting the walls just a solid color. They were painting murals! Looking around made her tear up remembering all the hard work that had gone on in here.

Seeing the finished walls made her cry. They were so beautiful and it was something she could tell their child was done with love from true family.

"Hey now, don't cry." Chance had said when he saw her crying, wrapping his arm around her shoulder

"You guys..... took a whole weekend that you could have....." Amarelle sniffled, "....been doing something fun. Instead you.....came here..... and helped...with this."

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