Chance meeting

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Amarelle noticed Adam kept getting text messages. He never showed them to her or Tim (that she knew of anyhow) but each time he'd get one, he seemed to get angry or depressed. It bothered her, but she knew unless he was ready to talk about it, there was no point in bringing it up with him. Adam was sort of stubborn that way she had learned quickly!

She could tell Tim was seeing it too but there was also something on his mind. Did they not trust her? Were they having some sort of issue between them? Taking a few deep breaths, she knew she would have to talk with Tim. 'Communication is key' she kept reminding herself, 'Don't want a repeat of the jealousy incident!' The problem was finding a time she could pull him aside to speak with him privately. Finally, one night after a show when they'd be traveling all day the following day, she asked Tim into her bunk.

"What's up, sugar?" He kept his voice low as to not disturb anyone else.

"What's going on with you two? I know you've noticed Adam's strange behavior. You keep getting lost in your thoughts a lot lately. Talk to me. Let me help." She cautiously stated, as she rolled onto her side, so she could look him in the eyes.

He sighed not really wanting to talk about it. At the same time, he didn't want to lie to her, either. She cupped his face in her hand as she watched him closely.

"I honestly don't know what's going on with Adam. That's part of what I keep thinking about. I'm very worried about him. There's something else on my mind, too, but I'm really not ready to talk about it yet." He confessed, "I promise you, when I am, and when the time is right to talk to Adam, I will and we will. OK? I know this is confusing and probably not what you want to hear."

"Hey, just knowing that you are willing to talk to me when you're ready is enough. Yes, I'm going to worry myself sick about the two of you. Always know that I'm here no matter what." She smiled as she looked into his eyes.

He had definitely relaxed some since he'd rolled into her bunk. She moved to lay on her back and pulled him to her. They laid there in silence, listening to the sounds of the bus, feeling the rocking as they sped down the highway, while she ran her fingers through his hair. No words were needed. Just being together was enough. Before long, she found herself fighting sleep. Tim's breathing had evened out making her smile sleepily.

A few weeks had gone by and Adam's behavior hadn't improved. Amarelle desperately wanted to snatch his phone and look at these mysterious text messages, but she was afraid of the after math. Someone was making her Sunlight upset and she wanted to know who and why! Tim was becoming a bit more reclusive as well as he would sit there lost in his thoughts. She was feeling helpless as to how to help the two loves of her life out of whatever funk they were in.

It hurt her, it hurt all the crew and rest of the band too who had noticed, to know that there was nothing she could do until they were ready to open up. Luke was his usual busy self when he received an unusual email. Home Free had done plenty of fairs and festivals. What was being proposed was a little bit different. He wasn't sure yet if this was a good move for the band or not. Talking with colleagues he trusted, he finally accepted the invitation and began making the appropriate preparations. It was a month & a half away but luckily they'd be swinging close to where it was to be held anyways.

It was a large music festival that Home Free had been invited to play at. It was in the middle of Minnesota in the middle of the Brainerd, Wadena, Park Rapids region of the state. Music from all sorts of genres. A Capella (obviously), country, pop, rock, folk, and all sorts of genres in between. Luke had thought it would be a great way to expose Home Free to a fan base that might otherwise not check them out. Rob quickly agreed, especially since there were bands that he wanted to see play. Home Free would be playing earlier in the day but they were the first band to play.

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