Uh oh!

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A/N: This was sort of inspired by the Futurama episode "Cold Warriors". Fry got sick which freaked everyone out then one by one everyone else started showing symptoms of the same illness. Somehow that episode got stuck in my head while I was writing this. Don't judge ;)

The two weeks in Australia on top of the time she'd spent with the band had been quite fruitful and very lucrative. Not only did she make new clients, she also got a few contracts for her to come out each year to do the photography for yearly events. She was quite pleased with how things were going. She sent a good morning text each day when she woke up Face-Timed if it wasn't too late in the evening in the States when she was settling in for the night.

When Cerise asked when she'd be home, she squealed in delight as she was told that she'd be flying home first thing the following morning. She'd be meeting the group in Boston. Seeing how happy her family was that she was returning made her happy too. Adam excused himself and Cerise so he could put her to bed.

"We are incredibly thrilled you're coming back. We've missed you so much." Tim smiled at her.

That smile of his always made her heart flutter.

"I'm happy to be coming home too. I love Australia and its been very good to me but its time to come home." She laughed softly.

"I'm glad to hear it, baby. Olena misses having another woman to hang out with." Tim laughed.

She smiled, loving the sound of his laugh.

"I've missed hanging out with her too. Maybe on a day off me, her, and Cerise can go have a girl's day." Amarelle suggested making him smile.

"I'm sure they'll both love that." Tim looked at her and noticed how tired she was, "What time is there?"

"Way past time for me to go to bed. My flight is very early, its long, and I really should have been in bed at least two hours ago." She chuckled, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Baby, go to bed! We'll see you when you land."

"I want to stay up and chat with y'all." She sighed, "But I am really tired." She confessed.

"We can talk when you get here, sweetie. Get some rest. We all love you very much." Tim told her.

"I love y'all too. See you whenever I land." She chuckled before he ended their call.

Her flight was long and very early. She had her alarm set and had arranged for a wake-up call just in case. She'd already packed everything up except what she was wearing the following day. All she had to do was get up, get dressed, and get out the door. It didn't take her tired body long to drift off to sleep. 'Flying over 12 hours can really take it out of you!' she thought as she waited to be picked up at the airport the next day.

Luke finally arrived and apologized for his tardiness. There were some technical difficulties at the venue. She thanked him as she climbed into the passenger seat of the rental. As they were on the way to the venue, he told her that Cerise had already been fed and put to bed. Once again, she thanked him. He could tell she was tired and figured it was just from the long day of traveling. Flying over-seas took a lot out of you even for a young person like her!

The next two days didn't seem to help. Ama began to not feel well. Her body ached but she blew it off as being sore from playing with Cerise. More and more, she was turning in early so she could lay in peace and sleep. One evening, while Tim was still up scribbling in one of his "song books" as he called it he had gotten up to get himself something to drink when he watched as she raced from the bunk area to the bathroom. The sounds of her getting sick worried him greatly.

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