Lashes or 'Staches?

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The band had a week off, so everyone flew home to spend time with their loved ones. Cerise all but screamed when she saw her Daddy and her Poppa at the house when she came home from school that day. Naturally, she had to tell them all about what they were learning at school, show them new pictures she'd drawn and colored, and tried to show them how well she was reading. Amarelle just smiled before darting into the kitchen to begin dinner preparations.

She was happy to see her loves home, even if it was only for a week. 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' as the saying goes. As much as she wanted hug and kiss them, she also knew that Cerise needed her time with Daddy and Poppa. Amarelle made dinner, set the table, and was getting drinks all while Cerise still had their full attention. It almost surprised Adam when Ama was calling everyone to dinner!

As the happy family sat around their dinner table, the two men got caught up with Amarelle's life and work. She explained that business was picking up significantly, she was having to hire more staff, and she was also looking at IT schools for some of their top students to hire for her company. Her business accountant was doing a good job of keeping the books balanced and the taxes paid. Everything was going great with her company.

It made Ama giggle whenever Tim or Adam would talk about the baby like it wasn't there. Adam told his partner that the baby could "hear" them after a certain gestational age and that Ericha's doctor had encouraged them to speak to the fetus. It was strange to Ama when Tim leaned over and began speaking to her belly! It made Adam smile as he watched his husband rubbing her belly as he spoke to it.

"What happens when we hit the road again? We won't be here to talk to it!" Tim raised an eyebrow.

"I have my recording equipment set up in the attic. We could record bits for her to play. I think they have special headphones so that parents can play music and stuff for the fetus." Adam looked between the pair.

"That would be so cool! Then our baby can hear Adam beatboxing and Tim's bass lines all the time!" Ama giggled making both men smile.

Tim wasn't so sure, so Adam began looking up headphones for pregnant women. After more than an hour's search about sound in the womb, Tim was satisfied it would be safe and finally ordered a pair. Ama just smiled at the tall brunette. Adam was excited at making a CD for their unborn baby to listen too. All Tim could do was shake his head at his husband and his enthusiasm.

Cerise had already been put to bed, the kitchen cleaned up from dinner, and now they were just cuddling on the couch enjoying the peace and quiet. The trio talked about the new baby and how Ama wanted to decorate the nursery. She was tossing ideas around but hadn't settled on anything yet. Both men seemed to like her ideas. She was happy they liked her nursery ideas although she knew she would need lots of help pulling off the look.

After a while, Ama said she needed to get to bed. Despite them being home, she wanted to keep Cerise on her normal morning routine. Tim got up to make sure all the doors were locked while Adam followed Ama upstairs to their bedroom. Tim entered their bedroom where Adam was telling their wife that he and Tim would take Cerise to school the following morning. Ama giggled as she climbed into bed.

Ama woke to her alarm and wiggled herself out of bed. Both men were still sound asleep as she quietly made her way downstairs to begin breakfast. The pancakes were all ready and the sausages were almost done when she heard happy giggles from Cerise. Adam's voice could be heard as he was telling her a story about something that had happened on the road. He smiled at Ama as Adam helped Cerise into her seat at the breakfast table.

He poured himself a cup of coffee after kissing her cheek. Tim was taking a quick shower before heading downstairs. Ama still had to get ready for her day as well. Adam had already gotten Cerise dressed which Ama was very thankful for.

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