Getting Wet

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"You are gonna get it, little lady!" Adam stated making her laugh

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it? Spank me?!" She retorted where only Tim and Adam could hear her

"Oh no. I've got something much better in mind for you." He said, blues eyes once again dark with lust

There was something about that look that drove her crazy. She swam to deep end of the pool so they could talk, and maybe caress a little, without being heard.

"And what exactly would that be?" She questioned as the pair swam up to where she was treading water

"What fun would it be if I told you?" He countered with a cocky smirk

She narrowed her eyes at him making Tim laugh. Oh yes, dating these two men was going to be quite the experience!

"What's the grin for?" Adam asked as she pulled him to her and wrapped her legs around his waist

"Just thinking what an experience it was going to be dating the two of you." She whispered in his ear, "And how much fun in bed you must be."

Adam grinned at her as Tim was taking his soaked t-shirt off. She slid her hands underneath Adam's shirt making him bite his lower lip. He was pretty toned she discovered as she ran her hands up his stomach and chest.

"Believe me, we've both had the same thoughts." He finally whispered, looking down at her lips briefly

"We'll have to wait until I get back from Texas." She pouted, running her thumbs over his hardening nipples

"Wait for what?" Tim asked

She looked over at him and grinned. Tim smiled, understanding what she was getting at. Adam squeezed her butt making her instinctively push herself into him.

"Behave yourself before you get us into trouble!" He exclaimed in her ear

"Then quit playing with my butt!" She hissed back with a grin

"Not my fault you have such a cute ass!" Adam sassed back making Tim laugh

She glared at him.

"I'm sorry but it's true. You do have a cute ass." Tim replied, reaching over and giving her butt a squeeze

She pressed herself into Adam again making the blond smile.

"Feel free to do that again, Tim." Adam stated, eyes twinkling, "I like it when she presses herself into me."

She unwrapped her legs from his waist making him pout. They watched as she dove underwater. Adam was still pouting, which Tim thought was adorable, making the tall brunette pull him into his arms. Amarelle swam over to where Chance was floating around enjoying the day and the cool of the pool.

"Ooh, someone's a wee bit excited." Tim said, lips grazing his lover's earlobe

"I did say I liked it when she presses herself into me." Adam was quick to retort

"You like it when I press myself into you?" Tim asked, right hand ghosting over Adam's growing erection

"Mmmhmm." Adam moaned as he closed his eyes

"That's not really an answer, love." Tim chuckled

"We're not at home, Timmy." Adam said, "We.....mmmm..... can't."

Tim was stroking his lover through his swim trunks and kissing his neck. It was something he knew Adam really liked. Amarelle's sweet laughter could be heard but neither man paid any attention. Their sole focus was one another.

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