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"So. About this 'cool ride' Austin was telling us about." Tim tried to change the subject.

"Yeah. It's here. It sounded really cool and it's definitely up y'all's alley!" Rob grinned.

"Do you want anything to drink? I'm gonna go get me something because my mouth feels dry." Ama quietly asked Adam.

"Want me to stay with you? And no, I'm good." Adam looked to the small woman with concern.

"No, you go and enjoy this crazy ride. I just need something to drink." She leaned up and kissed his cheek before walking away.

He watched her walk to a lemonade stand that happened to be near the ride everyone was going on. Tim turned around to see if their wife was coming but didn't see her anywhere. Adam chuckled slightly and told the brunette what she had said. The corners of Tim's mouth downturned as he thought perhaps what had transpired was getting to her. Rob called out to the two men so Adam said they might as well enjoy the ride and give her some space.

'What gives that little tart the right to hit Tim? Or me? And calling him fat? How long was that going on before she left him? Is that why sometimes he seems a bit insecure? Ugh. I don't understand these two little harpies!' her legs crossed and uncrossed as she sat there sipping pink lemonade and watching the people just walking around. She took her phone out and began scrolling through pictures that she'd taken or someone had taken for her of them. Such a happy, carefree man.

Seeing his ex-fiancé had gotten to him. He was much tenser despite trying to act calm. Amarelle hated that they both had these exes who just wanted to cause stress and problems. 'I mean name-calling and insults? When did we get thrown back into middle school?' her lips pursed together as her face tightened. She wondered what she could do for both her loves to ease their discomfort about their exes. She needed to calm down and they needed to be relaxed and calm for the show. Seeing her upset was not going to help them at all.

Amarelle followed the Home Free Twitter account, each individual member, Kelsey, and Nate. Jenika and Ericha had long been gone out of the picture when she arrived although a few of them were still following both women. As Amarelle was sitting there people watching and sipping pink lemonade, she began to think about what Jenika had said. Tim had actually called out Adam's name in his sleep? Ama tilted her head to the side as she pondered if Adam hadn't done the same thing at some point.

There was a deep desire to know but she knew she didn't really want to talk to Ericha again. 'Not that it really matters since they're married now anyways!' she grinned. Was that why both women seemed so. . . angry. . . at the two men? They saw it coming, left them, and are for some reason now angry that they were right? It was confusing behavior to the younger woman. Austin's loud laughter caught her ears making her look over at the group walking towards her.

"Oh my! That was probably the weirdest thing I've ever been on!" Chance slapped Austin's back as the found seats around her.

"Have a good time?" Her eyes crinkled as she smiled at the large group.

"Yeah. It was pretty neat." Tim retorted with a half-grin.

"Hey, Ama? Wanna go get some cotton candy with me and Nate? I haven't had that stuff in ages and I love it." Chance asked

"SUGAR RUSH BABY! WOOOO!!!!" She threw both arms up in the arm making everyone laugh.

Tim popped her playfully on the butt as she stood up. Nate said they'd meet back at their artist tent before the trio walked off. She was chatting with Chance and Nate, so she didn't see Tim, Adam, and Rob as they quickly got up and went their own direction. The bass man was determined to go back and win that stuffed Dachshund for Ama especially since she had a horrible bruise on her face because of his ex-fiancé. He was feeling bad about it and wanted to make it up to her somehow.

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