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"OMG Timmy!" Adam exclaimed as he burst through their bedroom door

"Give an old man a heart attack, why don't you?" Tim laughed, "I'm guessing your date went well?"

"OMG Timmy!" He exclaimed, plopping down on the bed, still smiling

"Well? What happened?" Tim inquired, much calmer than the blonde the previous evening

"I picked her up, she looks really good in purple, too by the way, and took her to that museum I found online. She is such a nerd! OMG Timmy I think I'm in love." Adam gushed, "We have so much in common, she's so smart, incredibly funny..."

"I hope you don't love her more than me." Tim faux-pouted

"Oh, baby, no!" Adam exclaimed, jumping up to straddle Tim's hips, "I don't think I could love anyone more than I do you!"

"Calm down, Adam. I'm only kidding. I know you love me and I hope you know how much I love you, too." Tim stated, "Believe me, I understand the excitement about a new relationship."

"Are you going to text her tomorrow? What are you going to say? I think she's perfect for us. I want to date her, too. I know you want to date her. How are we gonna do this then?" Adam hyperly stated making Tim chuckle

"Quit being a spaz, baby. I'm glad to hear you want to date her too. I agree she's perfect for us." Tim said, running his hands up Adam's sides as he spoke, "I'm not sure how this will go. The same as any other relationship I suppose. Or we'll just figure things out as we go. Yes, I'm going to text her tomorrow and no I don't know what I'm going to say yet."

"We need to sit down and talk about this relationship." Adam said as he felt Tim's hands slipping underneath his shirt

"Guys! Seriously!" They heard Rob exclaim loudly, "I don't wanna come downstairs and see naked people chasing each other around!"

Austin's loud laughter to could be heard.

"Oh Lord, what's going on?" Adam said, sliding off Tim's lap

Tim stood up and opened their bedroom door. Adam took his blazer off and threw it onto the chair in the corner of the room.

"What the hell is this?" Luke stated, entering the house through the front door

"I came downstairs to get a glass of milk and found Chance chasing Austin around the house. Naked." Rob explained making Tim laugh, "It's not funny, Tim!"

"Oh my Lord! It's hysterical!" Tim said through fits of laughter

"Not for a straight dude, it's not!" Rob pouted

"Ok, do we need to make rules about no running around the house naked?" Luke said, somehow keeping a straight face

Chance was covering himself with a pillow from the couch while Austin was hiding behind his lover.

"No, dad." Austin replied making Tim and Adam both burst out into more laughter

"Dealing with you lot is like having 5 teenaged sons." Luke stated making Rob crack a small smile this time, "Everyone get back to your own rooms so the naked jaybirds can get upstairs to their room."

"Yes, dad." Tim replied making everyone laugh

"Why in the hell did I agree to spend all summer with you people?" Luke said as he walked up the stairs, shaking his head and trying not to laugh

Tim and Adam backed into their room while Rob and Luke shuffled into theirs. Chance turned and chased his boyfriend up the stairs and into their room. Amarelle had drifted into a very contented sleep. Hearing yelling coming from downstairs was what woke her up. Sitting up, she noticed she had a new text. She smiled, hoping it was from Tim or Adam.

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