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They both snuggled into her sides making her wrap an arm around each of their shoulders. This was something she was going to miss after she left. Sleeping alone was rough when you're used to cuddling with people. Her mind was working in over-drive and didn't want to shut down. Everything that had been said was racing through her mind like a song on repeat. Questions unanswered.

'Why were their emotions running high?', 'Why didn't they press talking with her when they felt something was off?', 'Was Tim worried about her like Adam clearly was?', 'Did Tim really call her childish out of anger or did he really feel like she was childish?'

Light snoring told her at least one of them were already asleep. A deep, mumbling voice told her the other one was asleep as well. Her racing thoughts were bringing tears to her eyes. Unable to take it, she wiggled out from the strong grip of both me and walked out onto the balcony. She closed the door behind her so that they wouldn't hear her crying. Amarelle had cried so hard, she made herself sick.

The churning feeling in her stomach wouldn't go away and suddenly she felt like she was about to get sick. She rushed back through the room, tripping over someone's bag in the process, but made it to the toilet just in time. Hearing some strange noises woke Adam from his slumber. Tim was in deep sleep already, but Adam wasn't. The sounds of Ama getting sick concerned him. 'Is she pregnant? Is that why her emotions were wreaking havoc lately?' Adam thought as he carefully climbed out of bed.

He pushed the bathroom door open. The sight before him pulled at his heart. Ama was leaning against the cool of the bathtub, eyes red and puffy, tears still slipping down her flushed face. Adam slipped into the room and quietly shut the door. He sat down next to her then wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Why are you crying? Why are you getting sick?" He kissed her forehead after each sentence.

"It happens when I cry really hard." She sniffled, eyes staring at her hands

"You didn't answer me on why you're crying." He pointed out

"Racing thoughts." She swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat.

"Talk to me, baby. Did we not work through everything?" Adam furrowed his brows

"Just.... Some questions floating in my head." She said.


"Did Tim really call me childish out of anger or because he really thinks I'm childish?" She blurted out before sniffling again.

"Amarelle, he doesn't think you're childish. Neither of us do. He was sincere when he said it was a low-blow and that he'd said it strictly out of anger. What else is bothering you?"

"Why didn't either of you press talking to me? Earlier you said 'I was so worried' not 'we'." She stared at her hands as it clicked in Adam's head.

"Sweetie, he was worried. I know his body language. Each time we tried talking to you or wanting to touch you, you shrugged out of it. You stayed in your bunk, you stayed away from us. We thought you just wanted your space or you were really busy with work.

Trust me, we both wanted to sit down and talk to you. It seemed like you didn't want to even be near us. We don't ever want to make you do something you don't want to do, ok? We love you deeply and whole-heartedly. Is there anything else that is still bothering you?" He rested his hand on her leg

"Tim said y'all's emotions were running high this week. Why?" She still refused to look at him.

"We were worried about you. Worried about where this relationship was going. We thought maybe you were having second thoughts or had found someone else. You were acting like you didn't want to be near us and that hurt. This was all a very bad miscommunication I think. I hope that we have learned something from this because losing you would kill us both." Adam's voice got quieter as he spoke.

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