House hunting!

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She was changing her phone's settings, and making sure the flash was turned off, as she got ready for the show to start. When the house lights went down, the crowd immediately began screaming. They started off the night with "Fishin' in the Dark / Boondocks". She smiled as she noticed Tim looking around almost frantically. It was cute and made her giggle. She did her best to hide in the shadows as to not be seen easily.

As the show went on, she fell more and more in love with the group as a whole. She noticed the little stolen glances between Chance and Austin. The smirks Tim shot to Adam. The playfulness of Rob. Not to mention the fact that these five men were really great entertainers. Not just singers, but entertainers. That was getting more and more rare these days. They had a brief intermission and she knew they'd be texting her to find out where she was. Sure enough, just about two minutes after they left the stage, her phone buzzed (she had put it on vibrate to not disturb the other fans).

"Baby where are you? You did come, didn't you?" Tim texted

She smiled as she typed out: "Of course I did! Finding where I'm at is half the fun! 😉 :P"

"Then where are you sitting? I've looked for you but haven't seen you ☹ I want to see your beautiful face 😊"

"I told you, finding me is half the fun. I'm loving the show, btw. You guys are amazing entertainers 😊"

Before long, the house lights went down for round two. The group were two songs in and doing "Champagne Taste (On a Beer Budget)". She was leaning against the balcony and smiling as she just watched the stage. Tim was still scanning the crowd on the floor which made her giggle. Adam happened to move around and look up. His eyes bore into hers and she could have sworn he smiled even though he was beatboxing.

Adam saw her. She was resting her head on her hands and she leaned against the railing to the balcony. There was no mistaking who she was. The purple hair was a give-a-way. He walked over to Tim and tapped his arm. When Tim turned his attention to the blond, Adam pointed up to where she sat. Tim looked to where Adam was pointing and saw her. The whole crowd were watching, he knew it but didn't care, and he had to point to her making her laugh.

"Oh my God! Tim Foust just pointed at you! YOU!" The young woman sitting on her right exclaimed, bouncing in her seat

Amarelle just grinned as she blew the pair a kiss. She saw Adam wink at her in response and Tim smile. He knew he'd find her eventually. Even if it was technically Adam who had found her.

"Oh girl. You know he's taken, right? He's married now to that little cutie beatboxer Adam. Adorable couple, really." The woman said making her grin even wider

Amarelle didn't say a word. She just sat there enjoying the show and taking everything in. Tonight was going to be lots of fun. Tim seemed to be looking in her direction a whole lot more now that he knew where she was seated. The show finally came to an end and she pouted. These guys were awesome and she knew she had to see more of their live shows. In person, of course. The cd's and pop-socket were in her purse already, so she grabbed it and began making her way outside.

She turned her phone back to its normal sound setting after she set the tail gate down and hopped up on it. The night air wasn't too cold as she sat there waiting. She knew there would be a signing line. As she sat there, she began thinking a lot about some of the conversations she'd had with her aunt and uncles. It was time to make a life for herself, to live her own life. Ever since she and Grace had come back from Texas, she hasn't heard one thing from any of her so-called family. A new text brought her out of her thoughts.

"Ama, we're almost done here. Maybe another 10 minutes. Where are you and are you hungry?" Tim texted her

She had to laugh. Tim was always hungry it seemed. She smiled as she typed out her reply.

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