What is it?

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The group found a little café to sit down and relax. Tim was very worried about the stress the encounter was going to have on their wife. Adam kept his hand on her leg while Tim kept his over her belly while she chatted away with the rest of the group. Abe and Nate had her laughing hard making the entire percussion section smile.

Across town, however, the small group were not so happy and care-free. Sitting in a booth at a local bar, Tamarine was steaming. If they had been in a cartoon, she would have had steam coming out of her ears and her face would be fire engine red. Angeline was downing shots while Tommy sat back nursing a beer.

"Who does that whore think she is?" Tamarine exclaimed, nostrils flaring, face flushing red slightly.

"You know it won't last." Angeline retorted.

"They've been together nearly four years now! I called CPS on them yet nothing happened." Tamarine huffed.

"Make another call. Surely CPS won't let those freaks keep a kid." Angeline suggested.

"Oh I plan on it." Her sister replied, "I don't know what to say this time, though."

"We'll think of something. Don't worry." Angeline shrugged.

"What about accusing one of them of sexually assaulting the kid that's already there?" Jeremy suggested.

"Sounds like what sick freaks like them would do." Angeline added in.

"I'll make a list of complaints before I call." Tamarine simply replied with a huff.

"That girl has always been weird." Angeline suddenly blurted out.

"I know. The way she dressed, the weird hair colors, the strange music she listened too." Tamarine rattled off, "Then she turns out more like Grace than us. She was always a weird one too. Not as out there as Amarelle but still."

Tommy ordered another round of drinks while the ladies were venting.

"Where does she live?" Angeline inquired.

"Grace lives in Miami. I think Amarelle lives in Nashville somewhere." Tamarine looked over at her sister, "Why? What are you thinking?"

"Oh, just...nothing." Angeline shrugged, "It's nothing."

Tamarine eyed her sister suspiciously. They were too much alike and always will be. Her sister was up to something and she knew it. Angeline just sat back sipping on her Jack-and-Coke while her thoughts turned to how to pull off what she wanted to do.


The bus was bustling down the highway. Adam was reading to Cerise while Tim was catching up on one of his favorite shows. Amarelle was sitting there thinking about how she wanted to decorate one of the spare bedrooms which was to be turned into the nursery. They didn't know if their child would be a boy or girl. They wanted to be surprised although Tim was certain they were having a boy.

Cerise's giggles made her look up. The little girl looked just like the female version of Adam. Ama sat there looking between him and Tim. What would this child look like? Would it have Tim's dark hair and eyes? Would it have Adam's honey blond hair? She rubbed her belly and smiled. 'I can't wait to see this baby!' she smiled. Tim was still watching his show and Adam was still reading to Cerise.

Curiosity was getting the better of her and she wanted to know what they were having. At least "to know what direction to take for decorating the nursery". 'Yeah, that would be a good excuse to know! Or maybe at my sonogram appointment, I can find out and keep it a secret from the two of them!' she smiled to herself. Looking up and at them, she knew she couldn't keep that information to herself. The Fries were already bringing all sorts of baby stuff, for boys and girls and neutral items, for the baby which made her giggle.

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