Errands and Picnics

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Grace looked at her clearly exhausted niece and smiled. She left the bar in her employees hands so she could take Amarelle home. They talked about how the night had gone and what all Ama might want to do the following day. Hanging out at the beach sounded like a fun idea making Grace smile. Maverick and Zane were both already asleep, so the two women hugged good night before slipping into their respective bedrooms.

Amarelle emptied out her pockets before stripping for bed. She counted her tips tonight and gasped when she discovered she'd made close to $400! About $250 of it was from that one table with six guys that stayed almost the whole night. There was also a note with the tips, so she unfolded the paper and read. She, once again, gasped in shock. What on Earth did this mean? Was it a note from the entire table? From just a few of them? She was confused and intrigued all at the same time.

She laid down in bed and tried to figure out which of the people from that table could have written this note to her and which ones 'they' were in this note. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep. The smell of bacon woke up her. She rolled over and sighed. The outfit from the other day needed to be washed if she was going to wear it again. As she sat up in bed, she began to wonder if she should or not. The only two she didn't think were gay was the fat brunette with the long beard and the much slimmer guy that sat in front of him. The big boy had a wedding ring on and the other one didn't.

She sighed as she got her shower stuff and headed into the bathroom to get a shower. Why did life have to be so complicated? After slipping back in her pajamas, she gathered her clothes up, including what she'd worn yesterday, so it could all be washed. So much for going to the beach today! She took her note and walked down stairs. Grace was already up and was making breakfast.

"Morning, Ama." She said

"Hey. Can I talk to you?" Amarelle asked

"You can talk to me about anything, sweetie. What's up?" Grace asked, looking over at her distraught niece

"One table of six guys left me a note with my tip. Here, read it." Amarelle stated, handing the note to her aunt

Grace read this note with some interest. She raised her eyebrow making Amarelle look down.

"I'm not sure who 'they' are in that group. I don't know if they mean the entire table or just a few of them." Ama stated

"You know which table this note came from?" Grace asked

"Yes. The note was on top of all the tips." Amarelle replied

"Then my bet is it is only referring to two people. They put this note on top when everyone else was getting ready to leave." Grace stated as Maverick made his way downstairs, "Hey, tell me what you think of this little love note Ama received last night."

Maverick kissed Grace's forehead as walked to pour himself a cup of coffee. Once he had the liquid gold, he took the note and sat down at the bar. He read through it a few times before looking over at Amarelle with a grin.

"Sounds to me like there's a couple out there who is very interested in you." Maverick replied, "Is this your first time in a poly relationship?"

"Yes, technically." Ama replied, "But I've always.... I've never liked dating just one person, ya know? It seems weird. My parents don't understand why I can't just settle for only one person. But..."

"It's ok, sweetie. We understand. Believe me." Maverick chuckled, "Grace is with me and Zane. We understand the lifestyle and why you feel the way you do. Perhaps this secret admirer couple of yours is the same way too."

"I need to wash my clothes." Ama said

"So, you're going to wear that black and pink outfit like they asked?" Grace smiled

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