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A/N: I'm not used to writing about massage so I hope this turned out ok. I hope y'all enjoy it :D

The tour had been going really well. The trio tried not to show much affection out in public. It was well publicized that Adam and Tim were married, and the fans had accepted that pretty well. They weren't sure how well it would be received that they were, in fact, bisexual and had a girlfriend on the side. Amarelle understood and was fine with it. "Image is everything" she had always been told.

A month and a half since she joined the tour, she had to head back to Nashville. She had some work lined up with a couple bands. Adam was pouting, sitting on the edge of her bed, as she walked around the room packing up her luggage. She had to snicker, she really loved pouting-Adam because it was adorable, as she continued to pack.

"Why are you leaving? I thought you loved being out with us?" Tim said as he entered the room

He hadn't been there when she'd answered emails like Adam had. He was having breakfast with Chance and Nate.

"There's a couple bands that want me to do some new photos for them as well as professional websites." She replied

"Why can't you do that here?" Tim whined making her laugh

"I'm good, sweetie, but not that good." She giggled, "When I'm done with work, I'll fly back out."

Tim ran his hand through his hair as he sat down next to his husband.

"But....we've gotten used to seeing you every day." Tim sighed

"Sweetie, I'll be back. It's not like we haven't been apart before. We can still talk every day." Amarelle sat down on Tim's right side.

"I know. Like I said, we've gotten used to having you on tour with us. Seeing your beautiful face. Getting to cuddle, your laugh." Tim said

"I have to work, you know that." She countered

"Can we drive you to the airport at least?" Tim asked, gently patting her knee

"I'd like that." She smiled at him

Tim made sure she had a house key and that she knew where his truck keys were at. Her car hadn't been brought up from Florida yet. She bid goodbye to everyone before her boyfriends drove her to the airport. Although she hated leaving the tour, even if it was just temporary, she did have work. This is what she'd went to school for and she wanted to earn her keep within their household.

"We're going to miss you like crazy." Tim said, pulling her into his arms as they stood outside the rental by the departure gates

"I know baby. I'm going to miss you all too." She said with a slight chuckle

"You know we love you." He whispered making her nod in reply

Adam was the next to pull her in for a tight hug. Tim watched as they wrapped their arms around one another.

"Tim already said it, but I'll repeat it. We're really going to miss you." Adam quietly said

"I know but I'm not leaving because I want to. I have work. It's not like I'm going to be gone forever." She chuckled, "I hope."

Sweet kisses were shared before she had to pull herself away. Tim & Adam stood together with their arms around one another as she picked up her bags. With one last look at her sunlight and moonlight, she headed into the airport to catch her flight. Her flight was horrible. The flight was crowded, the to her left kept hitting on her, and it was long and bumpy. She sighed with relief as the pilot announced they would be making their decent into Nashville in about twenty minutes.

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