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I want to give a big shout out to  ObsessedwithTivi for the idea. I hope this was somewhat good :) I'm sorry I still suck at fight scenes (I hope you can forgive me, lol).

Home Free had come back to Nashville around Amarelle's 7-month mark. They needed new promotional shots and had contracted to her to do them. Luke had given her a general idea of the album and what they wanted then gave her creative control over what she did. She had a few ideas and decided to head to the Nashville Botanical Gardens to start things off. They also needed some short videos to promote their Christmas tour even though it was a few months away.

She had her laptop set up so they could see the shots after she took them. If she needed to change anything, she could do it then instead of having to call them back or go to them. The day was beautiful although a little on the chilly side. Luke had promised to buy lunch at a local BBQ place, as that's what Amarelle had wanted, as soon as they were done.

The guys were all standing around either looking at their phones, chatting amongst themselves, or just being goofy as usual. She was looking over the shots she'd taken thus far with Luke. 'I am so glad we decided to hire her for this shoot!' he grinned to himself. They were talking about what changes she should make when a group of people none of them were expecting to see walked up.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here, Angeline." Amarelle suddenly heard.

'Oh God no. Not now.' she thought as she darted her eyes towards the sound of the annoying voice hoping it was all in her head.

"Did she swallow a watermelon or is she just fat?" Her older brother Josh commented, making the entire group laugh.

Tim gritted his teeth while Adam and a few others just rolled their eyes.

"That was not nice. Apologize to Ama!" Luke shook his finger at the boy.

"Fuck you, old man." Josh huffed with a smirk.

"I've only got two words for the lot of you: GO AWAY." Amarelle turned away from her so-called family to try and get back to work.

"Oh no, you little slut. We heard what you did to your grandparents in Dallas. I won't stand for that shit." Tamarine yelled, fists balling and unballing at her sides.

Ama just rolled her eyes and sighed.

"What? That they started harassing me and new clients just happened to show up at the restaurant we were at? Get over yourselves." Amarelle sighed.

"Yeah. We know how you get these "clients". We all know what you actually do for a living!" Her brother Jeremy stated, looking down at his sister.

"Did that punk ass kid....did he just imply she was a prostitute?" Austin's mouth dropped open as he spoke to Rob and Chance.

"Yes. Yes, he did." Chance glared at said kid.

"Before you start calling our wife a whore, maybe you should look up the word in the dictionary because clearly you have no idea what the word actually means." Tim sassed back, doing his best to keep his temper in check.

"I bet she's fucking so many of them she doesn't even know who the father is!"

The entire group laughed.

"The only two I'm sleeping with are my husbands, thank you very much." Ama retorted with a slight eye roll.

"If they're married to each other, then they can't be married to you, dumbass." Tamarine explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "That makes you a whore."

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