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A/N: Well, this is the official end of "Two's Company, Three's Love". I hope y'all have enjoyed this roller coaster of a ride as much as I have! And before you ask, as of right now I'm not planning on a sequel.

Now, I want to give a special shout out to some of my favorite readers in no particular order ;) :

 ObsessedwithTidam  ObsessedwithTivi  BjOaks   08wvidolfan  Rhitchco 


Tim and Adam decided to stay in the front with Ama. Adam encouraged her to try and at least nap in between contractions. Tim was too nervous about everything to nap at all. Adam was just excited their baby was finally about to be born. The bus drivers were told about Ama being in labor and that they may need to make an emergency stop at a hospital when the contractions got close enough apart.

Ama was dozing, leaning against Tim's chest, while Adam was sitting on the floor looking between his spouses.

"Tim, she's going to be scared. This is her first baby and it's a new experience. I know this is all new to you too but you have to hold it together for her. If she thinks you're scared, it's going to make her panic and that's not good for the baby or for her." Adam quietly told his brunette lover.

"I know, Adam." Tim smiled as he looked down at the long-haired blond.

"It may take hours and hours of labor before the baby is actually born. She's going to be in a lot pain before they can give her any sort of pain medication so be prepared for being told all sorts of nasty things and called bad names." Adam chuckled, "I know that you two are helping raise Cerise but we came together as a family when she was a toddler. We're going to have a newborn. We're starting from scratch with this child."

"I love you both so much, Adam. I hope you know how much I love Cerise too. She may have been my "niece" and is now my step-daughter but I still love her dearly. I love this child too." Tim beamed as he gently rubbed Ama's belly.

The pair slipped into silence until she bolted up, moaning in pain from a contraction. Adam had been keeping track and noticed they were now getting to be about ten minutes apart. There was still time before they could head to the hospital. Tim did his best to help Amarelle through her contraction. They could hear the rest of the band laughing with Avi in the bunk area making Tim smile. After what felt like forever to Ama, Adam finally said her contractions were about six minutes apart.

He informed the bus driver who nodded and radioed the bus in front about needed to find a local hospital. It was another thirty miles before they came to a town where they could pull off. Adam went to pack Tim a bag while they navigated through the town to the hospital. Ama already had her bags since she was only with the band for a few days. Feeling the bus coming to a stop made the rest of the group leave the bunk area.

They watched as Tim and Adam helped Ama off the bus and into the hospital. Luke quickly followed them inside. He needed the hospital information so that he could do some insurance paperwork for Tim and Amarelle and so that he had information in case he needed to contact Tim and his cell wasn't working. Luke was taking the car seat that Ama had brought along "just in case" to the hospital as well as the bags she'd brought of her stuff.

A little while later, Adam boarded the bus. A few minutes after that, the busses got rolling back towards the highway.

"Hey man. You alright?" Rob asked.

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