With these rings. . .

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The trio drifted off into a contented sleep. All three were spent, physically and emotionally, and really needed the sleep. Adam loved sleeping in the middle because he could more easily cuddle with both his lovers. Ama's left hand was intertwined with Tim's right hand as they rested in the middle of Adam's chest. The blond had each arm wrapped around the shoulder of each of his lovers. None had felt the love, passion, or devotion as strongly as they did tonight.

She woke up alone in bed. How had they not woken her this morning? She slipped into a tank top and a fresh pair of undies before walking downstairs. There was no sight of either man. There was, however, a note leaning up against a glass of orange juice on the dining table. It made her curious as she walked over to it.

     "Our dearest Ama,

     Adam and I have some errands to run. You looked so peaceful sleeping we didn't want to      wake you. There's some pancakes in the microwave if you're hungry. We'll be back as soon as   we can. We love you!

      XoXo Tim & Adam XoXo"

She smiled as she walked over to heat up her breakfast. They only had today and tomorrow, and they'd be hitting the road again. She was going to stay behind so she had her new ID and social security card. Although she hated it, she had flown out to meet them all before so it wouldn't be that big of a deal. She just really wanted to hit the road with them when they left.

After eating breakfast, she loaded the dishwasher and got it going. Not knowing when her two husbands would be back, she decided to get herself a quick shower. Having had breakfast and a shower, she headed downstairs to check her emails and check on clients. There were some new clients that wanted to meet with her in the next few days. Her clientele was becoming, well, not the poor struggling musicians she'd gotten used to working with.

She was setting up meetings with new clients when her stomach began making ungodly noises. Somehow, she'd missed lunch. It was nearly time to start supper! Thinking for a few minutes, she began to smile. After finishing up her emails and appointment making, she closed the lid to her laptop and walked into the kitchen to gather all the ingredients she'd need for tonight's dinner.

Ground beef, Wolf Brand Chili, tomato sauce, water, chili powder, cumin, garlic salt, olive oil, corn tortillas, ½ a cup chopped onion and two cups of shredded cheese. This was a recipe she'd discovered online and had decided to try it out. She fell in love the fellas would like it too. As she preheated the oven, she noted it was getting late in the day. 'Where on Earth could those two be?' she thought as she got out the skillet, sauce pan, and baking dish she was going to need for that night's supper.

She took the thawed hamburger meat and placed it in the skillet before dumping the onion in with it. Biting on her lower lip, she kept glancing towards the door. Had something happened to them? Had they gotten mad at her last night for something? Had some sort of emergency come up and they just hadn't gotten around to calling her yet? As the beef was slowly cooking, she hooked up her phone to the stereo system and got her "Rock" playlist going. Slipknot, Stone Sour, Metallica, 3 Days Grace, Shinedown, Sixx:AM were just a few bands that were in that playlist.

She headbanged and danced around the kitchen as she worked on dinner just trying to keep from over-thinking about why her husbands had been gone all day. She dumped the chili in the sauce pan with the water, tomato sauce and seasonings. More dancing in place as she stirred the pot. She heated up the tortillas once the meat was cooked and drained. A Slipknot song had come on, so she stood in the middle of the kitchen headbanging and throwing the "rock on" sign up in the air.

She had already coated the baking dish with the olive oil, so she rolled the tortillas up with meat and some of the cheese and placed them in the dish. More dancing around with a happy smile and giggles. Once the chili sauce was heated thoroughly, she topped all the enchiladas with it and the remaining cheese. Even more dancing and headbanging. Once the song was over, with the enchiladas in the oven to bake, she decided on making some homemade salsa.

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