Live your life for you!

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Grace parked her car in her designated space and shut the car off.

"Ama, you're old enough to make your own decisions in life. What you want, who you want, who you date, where you live, what you go to school for. Everything. Do what makes you happy. If it doesn't make you happy, don't settle. You're an amazing young woman who has a lot to offer, don't let your parents, or anyone else for that matter, dictate your life. OK?" Grace suddenly stated

"Ok Aunt Grace." Amarelle replied with furrowed brows

"You know we all love you even though you just met Maverick. We've been together for several years now and I've told him all about you. Anyways, I just felt the need to tell you this. Let's go have a great night!" Grace stated with a smile

Amarelle checked herself in the mirror of the car before climbing out. Would they notice she was a little more "made up" than the previous night? Were they even here yet? She felt her body begin to shake ever so slightly and she realized it was excitement she was feeling and less nervousness. She took her order pad and stuck it in her back pocket, got herself a glass of sweet tea, and then headed downstairs to the pool hall. There weren't many people here yet and none of the guys from that six-top table.

Maybe they weren't coming tonight? If that were the case, why would they have said that they wanted to see her in this outfit tonight? With a sigh, she set her glass, phone, and charger down where she normally sat at the end of the bar. An hour or two later, and the pool hall was jumping pretty good. They weren't packed but there were enough customers to keep her pretty busy.

"Oh my God, Timmy!" Adam excitedly stated when his eyes landed on her, "She wore it! She wore that outfit!"

"Calm down, love." Tim chuckled, sliding his arm around his lover's waist

"Should we get one of the smaller tables by the pool tables since there's only three of us?" Rob asked

"Makes more sense." Tim laughed as he pulled his boyfriend along to find a table

She was cleaning some tables that had been recently vacated, so she didn't notice the trio of men that had just walked in. She took the full tray to the bar with a huff. Jimmy told her there were new customers with a smile. She turned around and scanned the room. There they were. The brunette who loved ribs, the hot blond he was clearly 'with', and the big boy. Jimmy said she should probably go wait on them before they decided to leave. He was laughing, so she knew he was joking with her. She stuck her tongue out at him making him laugh harder.

"Good evening, fellas! Welcome to the 'Good Life'!" She started out

"Good evening, Amarelle!" Tim said making her heart skip a few beats

He remembered her name?!

"We're definitely going to need some menus again." Rob stated, "But I'd like a glass of sweet tea to start off."

"I want a glass of that house beer you brought last night." Tim smiled at her

"I want a Mai Tai." Adam smiled at her

"Alright, I'll be right back." She smiled, not looking any of the three in the eye

"Who wants to play pool?" Rob asked

"Hi, uh, my friend's on his phone and I have no one to play pool with." A sandy blond at the next table stated, turning around to talk to Rob

"Awesome, let's play!" Rob smiled at him, "I'm Rob."

"Andy. I'm not very good a pool but I do enjoy playing." Andy chuckled as the pair slid off their stools to find a table

"She did her make-up tonight." Adam quietly stated, "Think that was for us?"

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