Love, Labels, and Lawyers

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Tim was still asleep when her bladder woke her up. She slipped out of his arms, being careful to not wake him up, and crawled out of his bunk. It wasn't too early, a little after 8am, but it didn't appear anyone was up. She walked into the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast. 'What would Timmy want? Hmm. Biscuits, gravy, and bacon. Lots and lots of bacon!' she chuckled, remembering how much the man really loved bacon. She had to grab her phone to look up the biscuit and gravy recipes that Dena had sent to her.

She made a pot of coffee, which is what seemed to rouse most from their slumber, half-way through breakfast being done. Adam stumbled his way up front and headed straight for the bathroom. Chance grabbed a coffee cup and then some of the black gold. She was turning bacon over when there came a set of arms encircling her waist. Ama thought it was Adam until she heard his deep morning voice, 'I love you so much. Thank you for being strong when we're weak.'

"Baby, that's what partners do. When one is weak, the other or others are strong. We'll get through this, all of it, together. Now relax and grab some coffee, breakfast should be done shortly." She stated as Adam engulfed them both in a hug.

"Good morning, Cowboy. Mornin' precious. It smells wonderful in here." The blond greeted them.

"Morning Angel Face. How'd you sleep?" Tim detangled himself from Ama before slipping his arms around Adam's neck

"Not very well. But don't worry about me. How'd you sleep?" The beatboxer rested his forehead against his husband's

"I slept pretty good. It was everything before that. . ." Tim trailed suddenly feeling ashamed


"Adam, we'll talk a little later, ok? Why don't y'all go sit down and relax. Breakfast is almost done." Amarelle told the blond

Rob helped get all the plates and silverware out when he made his way up front. As she was taking the pan of biscuits out of the oven, he was pouring her a glass of OJ. They'd learned she didn't drink coffee much and usually had OJ with breakfast. She smiled in thanks at the cuddly man before looking everything over. Satisfied the food was ready, she called everyone to breakfast.

"Damn! How much bacon did you make?" Austin laughed

"There's one plate set aside for Tim." She replied, "But the other plate y'all can have."

" made me a whole PLATE of bacon?" Tim's eyes went wide making her nod.

"Yes I did, my dear. Enjoy your breakfast." She winked at him as she took a plate that Chance handed her and began getting food.

She wanted a hair tie, so she headed to her bunk to grab one. While she was there, she grabbed her phone. There was a new message from Kelsey.

>>Ugh, she's at it again: "Here's a photo of one of the bruises he left on me. I was so scared that day ☹"

Amarelle stared at the photo. Something was. . . off. She decided to download the photo to her phone, so she could transfer it to her laptop. Sitting at the kitchen table, instead of between her two husbands, she stared at this photo and ate breakfast. 'There's just something off about this...what is it?' she pondered. Shortly after he'd finished breakfast, Tim headed to the bathroom. It wasn't unusual for people to take their time since there were fewer people on the bus needing to use it. Something sinister was happening in the bathroom and it wasn't because of an unpleasant smell.

The bass man looked down and felt a wave of shame wash over him. 'It's necessary.' he thought as he flushed, 'I don't deserve to eat. I don't deserve the pleasure of food.' Luke said the band had some interviews to do today, making Tim and Adam frown, and there was a quick photoshoot planned for one of them. Austin invited Ama to go with them, but she declined saying she had some work she needed to get done. That wasn't unusual, so no one thought anything about it.

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