The Festival

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A/N: I have never been to a FFXIV Fan Festival (which I know they do have) so I'm just kind of shooting from the hip on this one. Don't judge ;) Enjoy! \o/

Luke made sure to schedule time off the week Cerise started first grade. He knew Tim and Adam would want to be there to help drop off their little girl for her first official day of real school. Adam was immensely grateful for the thoughtfulness of their manager. It was hard for all three adults, and for Cerise who had gotten used to being at home all the time, but it was a necessity. Ama couldn't effectively home school her since her work took most of her time.

Luke made arrangements for the families to come out for the Christmas tour which made everyone happy. Since this was their first time having Cerise with them, the trio spent Christmas at their home. Gifts were exchanged, carols were sung, Ama and Cerise baked cookies together. Tim and Adam went out on Christmas Eve to get a tree and that evening the whole family decorated it together.

Before they knew it, Spring break was coming around. As Ama was checking schedules, she thought it would be nice for her and Cerise to go on the road that week with the band. Tim and Adam were ecstatic that their girls were coming on the road with them again. Looking at where they'd be, Ama noticed that they would be just north of LA as a Final Fantasy XIV convention was happening. It was a game she and Adam loved playing together. 'Could we find the time to go, though?' she thought as she looked at the scheduling again.

She texted Luke to see what she could make happen. As she waited for his reply, she headed upstairs to get what size clothes the blond wore. Not knowing when or if they'd ever be able to get to another one, she thought they should "do it up" as best as they could for this one. Make it special, make it memorable for them both. Scribbling the sizes down, she took the stairs two-by-two and headed back into the living room.

Amarelle contacted a friend of hers to put in a commission. She paid extra to have the costumes ready by the time she was set to leave to for the tour. She booked their tickets and a rental car and was thankful they wouldn't need a hotel. 'Oh he's going to love this.' she smiled to herself, 'At least I hope.' Luke finally got back to her and said he could rearrange the schedule for Adam to have the day off. She quickly thanked him. Sitting back against the couch, all Ama could do was smile.

Cerise was more than excited to see her Daddy and her Poppa in person again. She wanted to show them some of the stuff she'd been learning and the pictures she'd drawn since they last saw one another. It made Ama happy to see the little family reunion. The flight hadn't been too terrible, which Ama was very grateful for, but she was still a bit tired from it. As Cerise was chatting away with her Daddy, Tim moved to greet their wife. He cupped her face with both hands then crashed their lips together.

She moaned slightly into the kiss, missing the physical intimacy from both, while her arms slid around his waist. After pulling away because they needed to breath, he rested his forehead against hers. 'We've missed you. Seeing that beautiful face every day, your wonderful cooking, your sweet laughter.' he whispered to her making her smile.

"I've missed you guys too. This week is going to go by too fast." She sighed.

"I know. We know. This is our life, though, isn't it?" He chuckled.

"Yeah. Y'all told me about your lifestyle before we started dating. I knew what to expect." She replied, "It's still hard because I, well both of us really, miss you so much."

"Believe me, we both miss both of you too." He kissed her forehead.

"Oh. There's something I need to ask of you. There's a con for the game he and I play. I want to take him to it. Now, it'll be an all-day event, and yes I've already talked to Luke so Adam will be free the whole day, but could you watch Cerise?" She quietly explained.

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