Scared and Worried

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They arrived at their next venue around 8am the following morning. Tim and Adam had bunked together so she cuddled with her little stuffed dog. She had her laptop out and ready to show the police how she taken Jenika's bad photoshop picture apart. With nothing else to do, she began whipping up some fluffy pancakes for everyone. Coffee was brewing.

'I hate feeling so hopeless. Especially with all they've done for me.' she thought as mixed the pancake batter in the large bowl. By the time people began stirring from their sleep, she had a stack of pancakes already made and was working on some bacon. Movement to her left made her look over to see who it was. Chance was pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Morning. How are you doing today?" He quietly asked, stirring the sugar into his coffee

She sighed as she turned pieces of bacon over.

"Talk to me." He urged.

"I'm scared. I'm pissed off. I'm worried." She rambled

"Ok, why are you feeling scared and worried? I totally understand why you're so pissed off. We all are." He questioned as Rob made his way up front.

"I'm scared of what this business with Jenika is going to do psychologically to Tim. We had a conversation the night before last and it...." She swallowed hard trying to choke back tears, "...I just...I'm worried about him. And what's going to happen to his reputation and what'll happen with the band."

"Fair enough. We're going to do all we can to prove she's lying and just trying to smear his name. Have some faith, ok?" Chance grabbed her upper arm in an effort to comfort her

"Mmm coffee and bacon." Tim exclaimed as he slid his arms around her waist, "Morning baby. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept. Are you hungry? Breakfast should be done soon." She replied

Chance got out the plates and silverware for her as she was finishing up with the bacon. Laughter could be heard from the bunks and she couldn't help but wonder what was going on back there. Tim refilled her glass as Austin and Adam made their way up front. The tenor was telling them how he bent down to get some pants out of his bag at the same time Adam was rolling out of his bunk and they accidentally bumped heads. The group all laughed before she called them to breakfast.

While Austin and Adam were playing a WII game, Rob was reading a book, and Tim & Chance were catching up on their favorite TV shows in their bunks, she was cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes. Luke boarded the bus and said that the police were here to talk to everyone. Ama went to fetch Tim and Chance. The baritone had been the only band member who'd been with her when Jenika attacked her.

Luke explained that Nate was already outside talking with one officer. Before they walked up front, Chance leaving the bunk area first, Tim pulled her into his arms. He rested his chin on top of her head as they stood there hugging. Tim moved to cup her face with both hands and stared into her eyes.

"I love you. I love that you are here with me, trying to defend me, trying to help fix the situation." His eyes got a bit watery as he spoke, "You give me strength, Amarelle. I love you."

"Tim?" Luke called out making the bass man groan.

She grabbed his hand before walking up front. The manager escorted Tim off the bus to talk to one of the officers. Once Nate had given his statement, the officer asked Luke about Amarelle. They boarded the bus where she was sitting at the kitchen table, laptop ready to show what she had for them. Luke introduced the pair with the officer noting the bruise still visible on her cheek. The officer asked her to give her side of things, so Amarelle started with their first encounter with Tim's ex.

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