I hope they're ready

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After she had gotten off the phone with her aunt and she had calmed down some, she drove home. Her mind was going a million miles a minute as she thought about what was happening. How would she tell them? When should she tell them? How were they really going to react? Should she tell Cerise before or after telling them? How is this going to change their relationship? How is Cerise going to react to being a big sister?

Before she knew it, she was pulling into her driveway. School would be ending in a few weeks. She already knew Tim and Adam wanted them to go back on tour for the summer. They would definitely need to know, especially if she kept getting sick at odd times. There was no way she could lie her way out of this, nor did she really want to. She sighed as she sat in her car trying to think of a creative way to tell her husbands they were going to have a baby. Suddenly she smiled then headed into the house to grab the two sets of items she needed.

She had to make one stop to pick up one last item. She took a pair of Tim's boots, ones he didn't wear often but they all knew were his, a pair of Adam's boots (ones they all knew were without a doubt his), and the baby booties she'd bought out to a local park that had a pond. It was warm enough for her to be wearing her favorite flops and she knew the guys would instantly recognize them. Was she ready for this? Maybe, maybe not. It was happening regardless.

She placed Tim's boots on the ground, her left flip flop to the right of the boots, the baby booties next, followed by her right flip flop, and ending the shoe train with Adam's boots. Standing up to look at the placement of the shoes made her smile. Her eyes were full of tears, she couldn't yet decide if they were happy, scared, or simply hormonal tears, as she took her phone out of her pocket. She centered the baby booties in the photograph before snapping a picture. 'I hope they're ready for this!' her lungs let out the breath she didn't realize she'd been holding.

Picking all the shoes back up, and sliding back into her flops, she headed back to their home. She wanted to have a sonogram done to be sure and so that she had something concrete to show them besides one blood test. To her luck and horror, her OBGYN had an opening the following morning because someone had cancelled their appointment. She explained what her doctor had told her and that she wanted something to show the father. The woman on the other end of the phone congratulated her as she made the appointment.

Ama was shaking as she hung up the phone. Looking down at her flat stomach, she had a hard time fathoming that there was truly a growing human in there! She picked up Cerise as she usually did when it was time. Instead of making them dinner, Ama opted to just order them a pizza. The stress and news of the day were getting to her and all she wanted to do was relax and try to go to bed early!

The next morning after breakfast, Amarelle dropped Cerise off at school then headed to her OBGYN appointment. She wasn't entirely sure what to expect. She signed in and found a seat. There was one other woman already there waiting for her appointment and it was painfully obvious she was pregnant. Ama looked down at her stomach and wondered if she would get that big. She was finally called back where the nurse took her height and weight then led her to a room. Her vitals were taken before she was left alone.

The doctor came in quicker than she had anticipated. The doctor introduced herself as she opened Ama's medical chart. She explained what all was going to happen during this visit before they got down to business. Ama figured they would talk about her last menstrual cycle and medical problems. She even figured the doctor would want to know about her and the father's family's medical history. She wasn't quite expecting a cervical and breast exam!

She wasn't expecting to have several lab tests done again, a Pap smear, or a thorough physical exam. Amarelle explained about their lifestyle and that she didn't know which of her two partners was the biological father of the child. She did want to know solely for medical history reasons. Her doctor was, surprising to her, more than willing to work with her about things. They talked about the labor and delivery and what Amarelle wanted and what she should expect. Since she wasn't at 12 weeks yet, her doctor wanted to get a transvaginal ultrasound just to check on the fetus.

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