First date with Adam

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Her and Adam's first date: Inspired by their video for "Think a little less" which has been posted above :D And I thought I'd double post so you don't have to wait a whole day for her date with Adam ^_^

Tim couldn't get the smile off his face as he drove back to the house. She was so sweet and he knew he definitely wanted to see her again! He also knew that Adam was probably bouncing around in their room waiting for him to come home. Tim couldn't quit thinking about his lips on hers and how soft her lips were. He finally pulled into their driveway and parked. The house was surprisingly quiet as he entered. Was everyone in bed already or had they not come back yet? Either way, he quietly made his way upstairs and to the bedroom he was sharing with his loving boyfriend.

"Oh my God Tim, how'd it go? What happened? Did you kiss her? What was it like? What can I expect? Do we want to date her? Do you think she's right for us?" Adam asked, firing question after question at Tim as he shut the bedroom door

"Calm down, you spaz." Tim chuckled, "It was great. She said she had a wonderful time and that she hopes we could do this again. Yes, I kissed her. Twice at the end of the night. She has very soft lips and it was a pleasure kissing her. I can't really tell you what to expect on your date. I want to date her, I can't speak for you just yet. I do think she's right for us but, again, you haven't taken her out yet."

"Oh my, I'm so excited for tomorrow night!" Adam happily squealed

"She's very sweet and polite. Her family, except the aunt she's staying with, sounds like a bunch of jerks. I think you're really going to get along well." Tim stated as he sat at the edge of the bed to take his boots off

"How old is she?" Adam asked, plopping down next to his lover

"21." Tim replied

"Hmm, I wonder if we're too old for her?" Adam asked, depressing himself in the process

"Baby, she seemed to like me. She's going out with you tomorrow night. If she didn't like either of us, she wouldn't have agreed to go out with us, OK?" Tim stated, gently patting Adam's knee, "Besides, this relationship is brand new. We'll know before long if we're too old for her."

"She's so beautiful, Timmy. Such a beautiful smile. Gorgeous eyes. Cute laugh." Adam gushed

"Baby, I know." Tim chuckled at his hyperactive boyfriend, "It's been a long day and I'd like to get some sleep."

"Sleep is not what I want to get some..... of." Adam stated with a flirtatious smirk

Tim grinned at his blond boyfriend. Luke, Rob, Chance, and Austin were coming home from going out bowling. They saw the car was back and knew Tim had returned from his date. Austin thought it was weird but it wasn't his place to say anything. Besides, he had Chance to occupy his time. As they were walking up to the house, he popped his boyfriend on the butt with a giggle. Luke just shook his head at the crazy tenor as he opened up the door.

Everyone headed up to their respective rooms and as they passed Adam and Tim's room, they could hear the couple clearly in the throes of passion. Rob just laughed, Luke shook his head, and Chance wondered if Tim's date had gone that well or that bad! Chance pulled Austin along the hall and into their bedroom making the younger man grin.

"Good morning, Ama! How did your date go last night?" Maverick asked when he came downstairs the next morning

"He brought her flowers!" Grace said, pointing to the bouquet on the table, "He opened doors for her, too."

"It was good. He's really funny and smart. We had a good time." Amarelle replied as she sat down at the oak dining table

"That's good to hear! You're going out with his boyfriend tonight, correct?" Mav asked, fixing his coffee, "Have any plans for a date with them both, yet?"

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