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That night at dinner, Adam noticed Tim was once again seemed worried about something. Amarelle was texting her aunt all about their new house and promised to get some pictures to send to her. Feeling Adam's hand on his made Tim look to the owner and smiled.

"Amarelle? There's something I want to bring up with you." Tim suddenly stated

"Uh, ok." She nervously replied

"You work as a freelancer, right?" Tim asked

"Yes." She replied, wondering where this conversation was going

"Well, is there any reason you can't come out on the road with us?"

She just stared at the brunette curiously. From what Adam had described of their bus, it's crowded enough as it is. She liked having space. And privacy.

"Uh, well, no there's not I guess." She cautiously stated, "I mean, I gotta work on this website for the band I came here to work with but all I need to do, I can do anywhere."

"You know the bus is almost too crowded as it is, Tim." Adam stated, "Not that I wouldn't love to have her on tour with us."

"I know that, sweetie. I do." Tim sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, "Forget I said anything."

"Now, hold up a minute." Amarelle stated, furrowing her brows

"What?" Adam asked, raising his right brow

"I need to check my email. There may be a solution to that problem." Amarelle replied as she opened her email on her phone

Tim and Adam sat in silence as she scrolled through her email. Ama was beginning to panic, afraid she'd already deleted the email she was looking for, but tried not to panic. It didn't help that her hands were shaking slightly.

"Why don't we pay out and head home. You can look for whatever you're trying to find when we get back." Tim suggested as he waved the waiter over

Ama just nodded as she continued to go through her email. Adam pulled her up out of her chair when they were ready to go.

"Let it go until we get home, ok? In your state, you're probably missing what you're looking for." He whispered in her ear as they made their way out of the restaurant

The ride home was spent in silence. Everyone was deep in their own thoughts. Tim was trying to find a solution to the over-crowded bus problem. Adam was trying to figure out how he could ease his lovers' stress. Amarelle was worried she'd deleted that one email. As soon as Tim parked his truck, he bolted for the house. Adam stood in the door to the truck, situating himself in between Ama's legs.

"Give him a few minutes. He's stressing over something he can't control right now." Adam said before leaning over and kissing her neck

"I just..... want to..... help find..... a solution." She breathed as Adam began biting her neck

"We know, love." Adam smiled, "We just miss you like crazy."

"I miss y'all too. I buried myself in school work and working at the bar. That helped some until I got home." She chuckled, "I really love sleeping in between you two."

"Let's head inside." Adam stated, helping her out of the truck

Tim was sitting on the couch on his laptop and nursing a beer when they walked in. She headed upstairs to fetch her laptop while Adam got a bottle of water for himself and poured a glass of OJ for Ama. She came bounding down the stairs and plopped down next to Tim. Adam chuckled at the pair as he sat down and just watched them. The two loves of his life. He wasn't sure how he got so lucky but he was awfully thankful he did!

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