What the. . .

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A/N: This is dedicated to ObsessedwithTivi. I hope you like it and remember, this was your idea ;)

Everyone decided it was time to head to bed. They'd be leaving mid-morning to get back on the road to hit the first of the last two shows before court. Amarelle took her laptop back, so she could save her work and put her laptop up. Tim flashed her a half-hearted smile as he moved to get settled in bed. She scooted over to snuggle up to him making him laugh. 'I love snuggling with you.' she told him making him give her a light squeeze.

Adam was just wanting to stretch out in bed with the two loves of his life. Tim was already half asleep when he was crawling into bed after chatting with their friends out in the hallway. She was snuggled into Tim's side and tracing designs on his bare chest. Adam slid into bed, scooted over, and snuggled into Tim's other side. She smiled at the beatboxer who smiled back.

"I love you so much, Adam. I love him so much, too. It kills me that you're both. . ." She started out before he shushed her.

"We love you too, doll. You've gone above and beyond for us and we'll never forget it. Let's get some sleep, ok?" Adam quietly replied

Adam's bladder screaming at him in the middle of the night made him move around thinking it was the way he was laying. When that didn't work, he slid off the bed to head into the bathroom. He heard unusual sounds coming from the bathroom which made the blond tilt his head to the left. He cautiously pushed the door open. What he saw made him gasp. There was Tim, holding onto the toilet, forcing himself to vomit. His hands went up to his mouth as he stared at his husband hugging the toilet.

"Timmy! What the hell are you doing?!" He suddenly heard himself exclaim.

Not vomiting anymore, he wiped his mouth and stood up. He looked at his husband with wide eyes, unsure of what to say to him. The look on Adam's face hit him hard and another wave of shame slammed into his chest.

"This...this isn't what it looks like!" He stammered

"Oh really? Then what the hell is it?" Adam demanded

"It must have been what we had for dinner." He tried to explain.

"You don't have to force yourself to throw up if it's food poisoning, Timothy." He countered

"Shhh!" Tim's eyes widened again, "Don't wake Ama."

"Why the hell are you making yourself throw up? Talk to me, Cowboy!" Adam stated

Tim began pacing manically in the bathroom, stammering as he tried to come up with excuses about why he was vomiting, and trying to shake off the blanket of shame and guilt that had smothered him. So many questions began running through the blonde's mind. Adam held himself tight as he watched his lover. He felt his body shaking while he rocked slightly from side-to-side.

"Tim, you're not making any sense. Calm down. Take a few deep breaths. Talk to me." Adam stated.

Tim continued pacing as his mind raced to figure out what exactly to tell his Angel Face. He hated lying, hated keeping things from him, but most of all he hated himself for what he was doing. The shame and guilt he felt were amplified as his lover stood there staring at him. 'I don't deserve him. Either of them.' he continued to pace.

"Tim, what is going on with you?" Adam softened his voice.

The brunette started rubbing his arms as sweat began forming on his forehead. He continued the pacing silently, averting his gaze from his lover, and clearing his throat. The blond noticed Tim seemed to be using his hair to hide his face. Adam was beginning to silently panic at the state his Cowboy was in. Tim's stomach began churning as he paced with the blonde's gaze fixed on him. Adam made him nervous and not in a good way like when he had joined the band.

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