Snow Angels

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"So, what insults did you just throw at her or were you actually just making things up?" Chance asked after they had placed their drink orders at a little café.

"I'll tell you exactly what I called her. Half-faced means worthless or wretched. Fopdoodle means dumbass. Cumberworld means useless person who just takes up space. Quisby means lazy ass. Leasing-monger means a habitual liar and doxy refers to a promiscuous woman with little sexual restraint.

Harpy means foul-tempered woman. Clay-brained means stupid and ingrate means asshole. Uh, what else. Oh yeah. Loggerhead means blockhead, hehe. Flaming is used as an intensifier. Ruttish means indecent, crude, or dirty. Strumpet means female prostitute. I think that was it." Amarelle explained.

Tim was howling in laughter yet again. Even Chance was laughing some. Kelsey was just shaking her head in disbelief.

"Well now." Rob rubbed his beard not knowing what to say.

"Yep." Amarelle looked around at the scenery.

"If no one else is going to say it, I will...that was the funniest thing I've ever witnessed. Her face was priceless and I don't think I'll ever forget it." Tim was wiping tears from his eyes as he spoke, "And thanks for telling her off. That was great!"

"So, uh, what all do we wanna do while we're here in Alaska? Y'all have been here before and I haven't." Ama tried to get the conversation off herself.

"There's lots to do. Gold mining. Snowboarding, snowmobiling, more tours." Rob stated.

"I've never been skiing or snowboarding before. That sounds like fun." Ama confessed.

They talked about taking a day off to go do that. Adam loved the idea, growing up where they got a lot of snow during the winter, and couldn't wait to see her snowboarding. They decided to go to Hilltop Ski Area which was Tucked neatly into the southeast corner of Anchorage. They would have the day off the day after tomorrow, so they were making plans to go snowboarding and skiing then. Ama was very excited to try something new.


Ama had dressed as best as she could for whatever activities they had planned for the day. After a hearty breakfast, the group decided to head out for a fun day of skiing and snowboarding. Skiers and snowboarders could glide down the gentle slopes that weave against the base of Chugach State Park. Snowboarders could also hone their aerial skills on the popular "Mongoline," a permanent halfpipe. Not many of their crew felt brave enough to try it except Nate.

Since Amarelle had never skied before, Adam decided he'd hang back with her to help her on the beginner slopes. Tim, Austin, and Chance were trying their hand at Snowboarding while Kelsey and Rob hung back making snow angels and having a snowball fight with Cole and Abe. Allen was skiing on the intermediate slopes. Ama was not very good at skiing but she was having a good time with Adam who kept her laughing.

She took as many selfies as she could while they were attempting to ski. And when they had fallen in the snow and were laughing about it. Their skiing quickly turned into an impromptu snowball fight. That turned into a hide-and-seek style chase through the snow. She wasn't liking the snow but she was having a good time. Adam suggested they get back to attempting to ski making her giggle again.

Their next day off, they decided to take an amazing tour. The tour they decided on took place at an active gold mining operation where they trail rode at the base of 7000-foot glaciated peaks surrounded by stunning scenery. They were able to relax around a traditional camp fire with a cup of hot Russian tea and Alaskan reindeer hotdogs. Then they were taken to a glacier where they could access icebergs and ice caves. They rode through a huge glacier fed valley in a stunning winter wonderland.

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