Sexual Tension

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Chapter 1- Sexual Tension

Alice has always been the mother to do everything and anything. To keep her perfect image of a perfect family. She has to hide a lot of her past. Her past stays hidden behind the dark shades of her lies. Eventually the lies she uses to cover up her south side serpent used to be lifestyle. Alice tries her best to keep it hidden. Some of her lies have been discovered already.
Fp Jones was a huge part of her past. She joined the Serpents for him. She grew up on the south side and that was the way of life. You either got the hell of the town or joined the serpents. She worked extremely hard to take charge and change her Reputation. She married Hal and started a wonderful family. But she left behind the only serpent she ever cared about. He loved her more than anything. Her and Fp broke up, because she told him she was in love with Hal. FP was crushed. He felt like he meant nothing to her and she was just throwing him away like he was a piece of trash on the side of the dirty highways of The south side. She could never forget the angry look in his eyes as she told him goodbye. He turned away from her as he felt the hot tears burning back in his eyes.

Alice snaps out her thoughts as she took another shot. Alice stares at her daughter as she starts singing mad world. At first she was smiling, but it quickly turned into a look of horror as she watched her daughter do the serpent dance. Her mind starts think of her serpent dance when she was Elizabeth's age. Alice knows her daughter doesn't like to be called by her real name. The hot tears fell as Betty finished her dance. The crowd was full of whistles and cheers. Alice turned her head towards Jughead, betty's boyfriend. His face was filled with shock and disbelief. He rubs his eyes as his Dad places the serpent jacket on his girlfriend. His mind was boiling with humiliation. How could Betty do this to herself? Jughead kept repeating in his head.

Fp on the other hand. He felt a blinding amount of guilt. But this was his job. Yes it was a retirement party for him. But after he found out what his son deal was will Penny, he couldn't leave him to get into more trouble. Fp has already fucked up more times than he can count. He always been a fucked up father, husband and friend. He fucked sometimes his wife decided to live him and took his daughter Jelly Bean with her to Toledo.

He began drinking. At first it was only a few beers here and there. But that rapidly turned into 5 beers a day before noon. He lost his job at Fred's. Because he stupidly stole from him and was fired. Jughead was barely at the trailer anymore. Fp was either drinking or doing serpent trips. He honestly hated the draining dread of being a SouthSide Serpent. It was mentally and physically draining. It took months to get sober and regain jughead's trust and love back. But that turned into shit when Clifford blossom black mailed him to take responsibility for killing Jason Blossom. And if he didn't he would go after his son. Fp agreed to Clifford's plan and turned himself in. Fp sat on the bench waiting for sheriff Keller to bring him into the station.
Fp watched as Alice his allie ran towards her daughter. She grabbed Betty's arm forcefully but not too much to cause her any pain. "Mom, Let go of me"! Betty scolded as she yanked her arm away from her mother. Alice stood there stunned by her daughter's out burst. FP was shocked himself. He had never seen Betty so nasty to anyone. She was always nice to everybody.

He remembered how he first met her. She was sitting down at lunch table as he brought jughead his lunch for school, because he forgot it at home. He was greeted by her angelic smile as she kissed Archie on his cheek. They were 5 years old at the time. They were just sweet little kids before the real riverdale showed through the fake town.

Jughead watched as the screen unfolded before his very eyes. Even though he was not ready. He knew it was time left her go. He couldn't protect her from Penny. He didn't want her to be hurt. Jughead left Whyte Wyrm with so much anger attacking his heart. He has been so furious in his life. Why would she do that? She didn't have to become a serpent. He wanted a better life for her then the path he is going. He ended up taking the same path as his father did. When his father found out, he was crushed. He knew his father wanted a better life for him then he got.

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